Workers or their representatives must, at the appropriate levels, be guaranteed information and consultation in good time in the cases and under the conditions provided for by Union law and national laws and practices. Everyone is equal before the law.

  • Text:

    This Article appears in the revised European Social Charter (Article 21) and in the Community Charter on the rights of workers (points 17 and 18). It applies under the conditions laid down by Union law and by national laws. The reference to appropriate levels refers to the levels laid down by Union law or by national laws and practices, which might include the European level when Union legislation so provides. There is a considerable Union acquis in this field: Articles 154 and 155 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and Directives 2002/14/EC (general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community), 98/59/EC (collective redundancies), 2001/23/EC (transfers of undertakings) and 94/45/EC (European works councils).

    Official Journal of the European Union C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    These explanations were originally prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter.

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32 results found

  • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

    Article XVII (Foundation) (1) Employees and employers shall cooperate with each other with a view to ensuring jobs and the sustainability of the national economy, and to other community goals.
    (2) Employees, employers and their organisations shall have the right, as provided for by an Act, to negotiate with each other and conclude collective agreements, and to take collective action to defend their interests, including the right of workers to discontinue work. […]

  • Act on Co-operation within Finnish and Community-wide Groups of Undertakings (335/2007)

    1 - Purpose of the Act This Act lays down provisions on the co-operation procedures between the undertaking’s management and personnel of both Finnish and community-wide groups of undertakings utilised to ensure the exchange of opinions and dialogue between the employees’ representatives and undertaking’s management concerned. The purpose of the Act is to improve the rights of employees to obtain information and to be consulted with regard to operation of undertakings and groups of undertakings and their future prospects and in particular on matters the decisions of which affect the position of the employees and their employment within the group of undertakings or the undertaking. The purpose of the Act is also to promote joint interaction between the employees of the undertakings and the groups of undertakings.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

    Article 48. Igaühel on õigus koonduda mittetulundusühingutesse ja -liitudesse. Erakondadesse võivad kuuluda ainult Eesti kodanikud.
    Relvi valdavate, samuti sõjaväeliselt korraldatud või sõjalisi harjutusi harrastavate ühingute ja liitude loomiseks on nõutav eelnev luba, mille andmise tingimused ja korra sätestab seadus.
    Keelatud on ühingud, liidud ja erakonnad, kelle eesmärgid või tegevus on suunatud Eesti põhiseadusliku korra vägivaldsele muutmisele või on muul viisil vastuolus kriminaalvastutust sätestava seadusega.
    Ainult kohus võib õiguserikkumise eest ühingu, liidu või erakonna tegevuse lõpetada või peatada, samuti teda trahvida.

  • Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus

    § 48. Igaühel on õigus koonduda mittetulundusühingutesse ja -liitudesse. Erakondadesse võivad kuuluda ainult Eesti kodanikud.Relvi valdavate, samuti sõjaväeliselt korraldatud või sõjalisi harjutusi harrastavate ühingute ja liitude loomiseks on nõutav eelnev luba, mille andmise tingimused ja korra sätestab seadus. Keelatud on ühingud, liidud ja erakonnad, kelle eesmärgid või tegevus on suunatud Eesti põhiseadusliku korra vägivaldsele muutmisele või on muul viisil vastuolus kriminaalvastutust sätestava seadusega. Ainult kohus võib õiguserikkumise eest ühingu, liidu või erakonna tegevuse lõpetada või peatada, samuti teda trahvida.

  • A Law to provide for the Employer’s Obligation to Inform Employees of the Particulars of their Contract of Employment or their Employment Relationship,
  • Law 100(I)/2002


  • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
  • Labour Code

     Article 1(3) This Code shall aim to ensure the freedom and protection of labour, equitable and dignified working conditions, as well as the conducting of social dialogue between the State, the employees, the employers and their organizations, for the purposes of settlement of labour relations and other immediately related relations.Article 52 (1) The individual employer, the group of employers, and their organizations shall: 1. Negotiate with the employees' representatives to conclude a collective agreement; 2. Make available to the employees' representatives: a) the collective agreements concluded which bind the parties on the basis of to sectorial, regional or organizational affiliation; b) (Amended - SG, No. 25/2001) timely, authentic and understandable information on their economic and financial position which is significant for the conclusion of the collective agreement; provision of information the disclosure of which could cause damages to the employer may be refused or granted subject to requirement for confidentiality.


     Чл. 1(3) (Предишна ал. 2 - ДВ, бр. 2 от 1996 г., изм., бр. 25 от 2001 г.) Този кодекс цели да осигури свободата и закрилата на труда, справедливи и достойни условия на труд, както и осъществяване на социален диалог между държавата, работниците, служителите, работодателите и техните организации за уреждане на трудовите и непосредствено свързаните с тях отношения.Чл. 52(1) Отделният работодател, групата работодатели и техните организации са длъжни:1. да преговарят с представителите на работниците и служителите за сключване на колективен трудов договор;2. да предоставят на представителите на работниците и служителите:а) сключените колективни трудови договори, с които страните са обвързани поради отраслова, териториална или организационна принадлежност;б) (изм. - ДВ, бр. 25 от 2001 г.) своевременна, достоверна и разбираема информация за икономическото и финансовото си състояние, която е от значение за сключването на колективния трудов договор; предоставянето на информация, разпространяването на която би могло да нанесе вреди на работодателя, може да бъде отказано или направено с изискване за поверителност.

  • De Belgische Grondwet

    Artikel 23Ieder heeft het recht een menswaardig leven te leiden. Daartoe waarborgen de wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, rekening houdend met de overeenkomstige plichten, de economische, sociale en culturele rechten, waarvan ze de voorwaarden voor de uitoefening bepalen.Die rechten omvatten inzonderheid:1. het recht op arbeid en op de vrije keuze van beroepsarbeid in het raam van een algemeen werkgelegenheidsbeleid dat onder meer gericht is op het waarborgen van een zo hoog en stabiel mogelijk werkgelegenheidspeil, het recht op billijke arbeidsvoorwaarden en een billijke beloning, alsmede het recht op informatie, overleg en collectief onderhandelen; (...)

  • La Constitution Belge

    Article 23Chacun a le droit de mener une vie conforme à la dignité humaine. A cette fin, la loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent, en tenant compte des obligations correspondantes, les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, et déterminent les conditions de leur exercice.Ces droits comprennent notamment:1. le droit au travail et au libre choix d'une activité professionnelle dans le cadre d'une politique générale de l'emploi, visant entre autres à assurer un niveau d'emploi aussi stable et élevé que possible, le droit à des conditions de travail et à une rémunération équitables, ainsi que le droit d'information, de consultation et de négociation collective; (...)

  • The Belgian Constitution

    Article 23 Everyone has the right to lead a life in keeping with human dignity.
    To this end, the laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee
    economic, social and cultural rights, taking into account corresponding obligations, and
    determine the conditions for exercising them.
    These rights include among others:
    1° the right to employment and to the free choice of an occupation within the context
    of a general employment policy, aimed among others at ensuring a level of employment
    that is as stable and high as possible, the right to fair terms of employment and to fair
    remuneration, as well as the right to information, consultation and collective negotiation;(...)

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