The Union recognises and respects access to services of general economic interest as provided for in national laws and practices, in accordance with the Treaties, in order to promote the social and territorial cohesion of the Union.

  • Text:

    This Article is fully in line with Article 14 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and does not create any new right. It merely sets out the principle of respect by the Union for the access to services of general economic interest as provided for by national provisions, when those provisions are compatible with Union law.

    Official Journal of the European Union C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    These explanations were originally prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter.

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26 results found

  • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Artikel 87e (4) Der Bund gewährleistet, daß dem Wohl der Allgemeinheit, insbesondere den Verkehrsbedürfnissen, beim Ausbau und Erhalt des Schienennetzes der Eisenbahnen des Bundes sowie bei deren Verkehrsangeboten auf diesem Schienennetz, soweit diese nicht den Schienenpersonennahverkehr betreffen, Rechnung getragen wird. Das Nähere wird durch Bundesgesetz geregelt. (...) Artikel 87f (1) Nach Maßgabe eines Bundesgesetzes, das der Zustimmung des Bundesrates bedarf, gewährleistet der Bund im Bereich des Postwesens und der Telekommunikation flächendeckend angemessene und ausreichende Dienstleistungen. (2) Dienstleistungen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 werden als privatwirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten durch die aus dem Sondervermögen Deutsche Bundespost hervorgegangenen Unternehmen und durch andere private Anbieter erbracht. Hoheitsaufgaben im Bereich des Postwesens und der Telekommunikation werden in bundeseigener Verwaltung ausgeführt.(...)

  • The Constitution - Appendix D: Part 02 – Fundamental Rights and Liberties

    Article 25(3). As an exception to the aforesaid provisions of this Article a law may provide if it is in the public interest that certain enterprises of the nature of an essential public service or relating to the exploitation of sources of energy or other natural resources shall be carried out exclusively by the Republic or a municipal corporation or by a public corporate body created for the purpose by such law and administered under the control of the Republic, and having a capital which may be derived from public and private funds or from either such source only:Provided that where such enterprise has been carried out by any person, other than a municipal corporation or a public corporate body, the installations used for such enterprise shall, at the request of such person, be acquired. on payment of a just price, by the Republic or such municipal corporation or such public corporate body, as the case may be.

  • ΜΕΡΟΣ 02: Περί των Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων και Ελευθεριών

    ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 25(3). Κατ’ εξαίρεσιν των προμνησθεισών διατάξεων του παρόντος άρθρου ο νόμος δύναται να ορίση, εφ’ όσον τούτο συνάδη προς το δημόσιον συμφέρον, ότι ωρισμέναι επιχειρήσεις παρέχουσαι ουσιώδη δημοσίαν υπηρεσίαν ή σχετικαί προς την εκμετάλλευσιν των πηγών ενεργείας ή άλλων φυσικών πόρων θα ασκώνται αποκλειστικώς υπό της Δημοκρατίας ή υπό δήμου ή υπό νομικού προσώπου δημοσίου δικαίου ιδρυομένου προς τον σκοπόν τούτον υπό του ανωτέρω νόμου και διοικουμένου υπό τον έλεγχον της Δημοκρατίας και του οποίου το κεφάλαιον δύναται να προέρχηται εκ δημοσίων και ιδιωτικών πόρων ή μόνον εξ εκατέρας των πηγών τούτων.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia
  • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

     Art. 19(1) The economy of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be based on free economic initiative.(2) The State shall establish and guarantee equal legal conditions for economic activity to all citizens and legal entities by preventing any abuse of a monopoly status and unfair competition, and by protecting the consumer.(3) All investments and economic activity by citizens and legal entities shall enjoy the protection of the law.(4) The law shall establish conditions conducive to the setting up of cooperatives and other forms of association of citizens and legal entities in the pursuit of economic and social prosperity. 

  • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

    Чл. 19(1) Икономиката на Република България се основава на свободната стопанска инициатива.(2) Законът създава и гарантира на всички граждани и юридически лица еднакви правни условия за стопанска дейност, като предотвратява злоупотребата с монополизма, нелоялната конкуренция и защитава потребителя.(3) Инвестициите и стопанската дейност на български и чуждестранни граждани и юридически лица се закрилят от закона.(4) Законът създава условия за коопериране и други форми на сдружаване на гражданите и юридическите лица за постигане на стопански и социален напредък.

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