Every citizen of the Union has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the Member State in which he or she resides under the same conditions as nationals of that State.

  • Text:

    This Article corresponds to the right guaranteed by Article 20(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (cf. also the legal base in Article 22 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union for the adoption of detailed arrangements for the exercise of that right). In accordance with Article 52(2) of the Charter, it applies under the conditions defined in these Articles in the Treaties.

    Official Journal of the European Union C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    These explanations were originally prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter.

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  • Municipal Council Election Act

    § 5. Right to vote and stand as candidate
    (1) Estonian citizens and citizens of the European Union who have attained 16 years of age by election day and whose permanent residence, i.e. residence the address details of which have been entered in the Estonian population register (hereinafter population register), is located in the corresponding rural municipality or city have the right to vote.
    (2) An alien has the right to vote if he or she meets the conditions specified in subsection (1) of this section and:
    1) resides in Estonia on the basis of a long-term residence permit or the right of permanent residence.
    (3) A person who has been divested of his or her active legal capacity with regard to the right to vote does not have the right to vote.
    (4) A person who has been convicted by a court and is serving a sentence in a custodial institution shall not participate in voting.
    (5) Every Estonian citizen and citizen of the European Union who has the right to vote, who has attained 18 years of age by the last day for the registration of candidates and whose permanent residence is located in the corresponding rural municipality or city not later than on 1 August of an election year has the right to stand as a candidate.
    (6) A person in active service in the Defence Forces or a person who has been convicted of a criminal offence by a court and is serving a prison sentence shall not stand as a candidate for election to a council.

  • Danmarks Riges Grundlov

    § 29. Stk. 1. Valgret til folketinget har enhver, som har dansk indfødsret, fast bopæl i riget og har nået den i stk. 2 omhandlede valgretsalder, medmindre vedkommende er umyndiggjort. Det bestemmes ved lov, i hvilket omfang straf og understøttelse, der i lovgivningen betragtes som fattighjælp, medfører tab af valgret. Stk. 2. Valgretsalderen er den, som har opnået flertal ved folkeafstemning i overensstemmelse med lov af 25. marts 1953. Ændring af den til enhver tid gældende valgretsalder kan ske ved lov. Et af folketinget vedtaget forslag til en sådan lov kan først stadfæstes af kongen, når bestemmelsen om ændring af valgretsalderen i overensstemmelse med § 42, stk. 5, har været undergivet en folkeafstemning, der ikke har medført bestemmelsens bortfald.
    § 30. Stk. 1. Valgbar til folketinget er enhver, som har valgret til dette, medmindre vedkommende er straffet for en handling, der i almindeligt omdømme gør ham uværdig til at være medlem af folketinget.
    § 86. Valgretsalderen til de kommunale råd og menighedsrådene er den for valg til folketinget til enhver tid gældende. For Færøernes og Grønlands vedkommende fastsættes valgretsalderen til de kommunale råd og menighedsrådene ved lov eller i henhold til lov.

  • The Constitutional Act of Denmark

    Section 29. subsection 1. Any Danish subject who is permanently domiciled in the Realm, and who has the age qualification for suffrage as provided for in sub-section (2) of this section shall have the right to vote at Folketing elections, provided that he has not been declared incapable of conducting his own affairs. It shall be laid down by statute to what extent conviction and public assistance amounting to poor relief within the meaning of the law shall entail disfranchisement. Subsection 2. The age qualification for suffrage shall be as determined by the referendum held under the Act dated March 25, 1953. Such age qualification for suffrage may be altered at any time by statute. A Bill passed by the Folketing for the purpose of such enactment shall receive the Royal Assent only when the provision for altering the age qualification for suffrage has been submitted to a referendum in accordance with sub-section (5) of section 42, and which has not resulted in the rejection of the provision.
    Section 30. Subsection 1. Any person who is entitled to vote at Folketing elections shall be eligible for membership of the Folketing, unless he has been convicted of an act which in the eyes of the public makes him unworthy to be a member of the Folketing.
    Section 86. The age qualification for local government electors and congregational council electors shall be that applying at any time to Folketing electors. In respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland, the age qualification for local government electors and congregational council electors shall be as may be provided for by statute, or determined in accordance with statute.

  • The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus

    Article 31
    Every citizen has, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and any electoral law of the Republic or of the relevant Communal Chamber made thereunder, the right to vote in any election held under this Constitution or any such law.

  • Tο Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

    ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 31
    Τηρουμένων των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος και οιωνδήποτε δυνάμει τούτου ψηφιζομένων εκλογικών νόμων της Δημοκρατίας ή της αρμοδίας Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως, πας πολίτης δικαιούται να ψηφίζη εις οιανδήποτε εκλογήν διενεργουμένην συμφώνως τω Συντάγματι και οιωδήποτε τοιούτω νόμω.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia

    Article 146
    Citizens of the Republic of Croatia shall be European Union citizens and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire, and in particular:
    – active and passive voting rights in European parliamentary elections and in local elections in another Member State, in accordance with that Member State’s law,
    All rights shall be exercised in compliance with the conditions and limitations laid down in the founding treaties of the European Union and the measures undertaken pursuant to such treaties.
    In the Republic of Croatia, all rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis
    communautaire shall be enjoyed by all citizens of the European Union.

  • Ustav Republike Hrvatske

    Članak 146.
    Državljani Republike Hrvatske su građani Europske unije i uživaju prava koja im jamči pravna stečevina Europske unije, a osobito:
    – aktivno i pasivno biračko pravo na izborima za Europski parlament i na lokalnim izborima u drugoj državi članici, sukladno propisima te države članice,
    Sva prava ostvaruju se u skladu s uvjetima i ograničenjima propisanima ugovorima na kojima se temelji Europska unija te mjerama prihvaćenima na temelju tih ugovora.
    U Republici Hrvatskoj sva prava zajamčena pravnom stečevinom Europske unije uživaju svi građani Europske unije.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Art. 10. All elections, and national and local referendums shall be held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
    Art. 42(1) Every citizen above the age of 18, with the exception of those placed under judicial interdiction or serving a prison sentence, shall be free to elect state and local authorities and vote in referendums.(2) The organization and procedure for the holding of elections and referendums shall be established by law.(3) (new, SG 18/05) The elections for Members of the European Parliament and the participation of European Union citizens in the elections for local authorities shall be regulated by law.

  • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

    Чл. 10. Изборите, националните и местните референдуми се произвеждат въз основа на общо, равно и пряко избирателно право с тайно гласуване. Чл. 42(1) Гражданите, навършили 18 години, с изключение на поставените под запрещение и изтърпяващите наказание лишаване от свобода, имат право да избират държавни и местни органи и да участват в допитвания до народа.(2) Организацията и редът за произвеждане на избори и референдуми се определят със закон.(3) (Нова - ДВ, бр. 18 от 2005 г.) Изборите за членове на Европейския парламент и участието на граждани на Европейския съюз в избори за местни органи се уреждат със закон.

  • De Belgische Grondwet

    Artikel 8De staat van Belg wordt verkregen, behouden en verloren volgens de regelen bij de burgerlijke wet gesteld.De Grondwet en de overige wetten op de politieke rechten bepalen welke de vereisten zijn waaraan men moet voldoen, benevens de staat van Belg, om die rechten te kunnen uitoefenen.In afwijking van het tweede lid kan de wet het stemrecht regelen van de burgers van de Europese Unie die niet de Belgische nationaliteit hebben, overeenkomstig de internationale en supranationale verplichtingen van België. Het stemrecht bedoeld in het vorige lid kan door de wet worden uitgebreid tot de in België verblijvende niet-Europese Unie onderdanen, onder de voorwaarden en op de wijze door haar bepaald.

  • La Constitution Belge

    Article 8La qualité de Belge s'acquiert, se conserve et se perd d'après les règles déterminées par la loi civile. La Constitution et les autres lois relatives aux droits politiques, déterminent quelles sont, outre cette qualité, les conditions nécessaires pour l'exercice de ces droits.Par dérogation à l'alinéa 2, la loi peut organiser le droit de vote des citoyens de l'Union européenne n'ayant pas la nationalité belge, conformément aux obligations internationales et supranationales de la Belgique. Le droit de vote visé à l'alinéa précédent peut être étendu par la loi aux résidents en Belgique qui ne sont pas des ressortissants d'un Etat membre de l'Union européenne, dans les conditions et selon les modalités déterminées par ladite loi.

  • The Belgian Constitution

    Article 8The status as a Belgian citizen is acquired, kept and lost according to rules established by civil law.The Constitution and the other laws concerning political rights, establish, apart from this status, the necessary conditions for the exercising of these rights. In a departure from the second paragraph, the law can, in accordance with Belgium’s international and supranational obligations, establish a right to vote for citizens of the European Union who are not Belgian citizens. The right to vote referred to in the preceding paragraph can be extended by a law to Belgian residents who are not citizens of a Member State of the European Union, under the conditions and in accordance with the terms specifi ed in such a law.

  • Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (B-VG)

    Artikel 117(...) (2) Der Gemeinderat wird auf Grund des gleichen, unmittelbaren, persönlichen, freien und geheimen Wahlrechtes der männlichen und weiblichen Staatsbürger, die in der Gemeinde ihren Hauptwohnsitz haben, nach den Grundsätzen der Verhältniswahl gewählt. Die Wahlordnung kann jedoch vorsehen, dass auch Staatsbürger, die in der Gemeinde einen Wohnsitz, nicht aber den Hauptwohnsitz haben, wahlberechtigt sind. Die Wahlordnung darf die Bedingungen des Wahlrechtes und der Wählbarkeit nicht enger ziehen als die Landtagswahlordnung; es kann jedoch bestimmt werden, dass Personen, die sich noch nicht ein Jahr in der Gemeinde aufhalten, dann nicht wahlberechtigt und wählbar sind, wenn ihr Aufenthalt in der Gemeinde offensichtlich nur vorübergehend ist. Unter den in der Wahlordnung festzulegenden Bedingungen sind auch Staatsangehörige anderer Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union wahlberechtigt und wählbar. Die Wahlordnung kann bestimmen, dass die Wähler ihr Wahlrecht in Wahlkreisen ausüben, von denen jeder ein geschlossenes Gebiet umfassen muss. Eine Gliederung der Wählerschaft in andere Wahlkörper ist nicht zulässig. Art. 26 Abs. 6 ist sinngemäß anzuwenden. Für den Fall, dass keine Wahlvorschläge eingebracht werden, kann in der Wahlordnung bestimmt werden, dass Personen als gewählt gelten, deren Namen auf den Stimmzetteln am häufigsten genannt werden.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Austria

    Article 117(...) (2) The municipal council is elected on the basis of proportional representation by equal, direct, personal and secret suffrage by the male and female federal nationals who have their principal domicile in the municipality. The election regulations laws can however stipulate that also national who have a domicile, but not their principal domicile, in the municipality, are entitled to vote. In the electoral regulations the conditions for suffrage and electoral eligibility may not be more restrictive than in the electoral regulations for the Provincial Parliament; the provision can however be made that individuals who have not yet been a year resident in the municipality shall not be entitled to vote or to stand for election to the municipal council if their residence in the municipality is manifestly temporary. Among the conditions to be laid down by the election regulation is the entitlement to suffrage and electoral eligibility also for nationals of other European member states. The electoral regulation can provide that the voters exercise their suffrage in self-contained constituencies. A division of the electorate into other electoral bodies is not admissible. Art. 26 para 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The electoral regulations can, in cases where no election proposals are brought forward, decree that individuals shall be deemed elected whose names appear most frequently on the ballot papers.

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