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85 Speeches found

Michael O'Flaherty
The FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty provides comments at the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) conference in Edinburgh, 7 September 2018.
Michael O’Flaherty
The FRA Director delivered a keynote speech during the FIDE Congress on 24 May in Estoril on fundamental rights law and how Europe now finds itself at a crossroad. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA's Director explained how human rights protection and stronger security go hand-in-hand during an exchange of views with members of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Terrorism at their meeting on 8 January in Brussels. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O'Flaherty
Freedom of expression enables many other fundamental rights but there exists challenges to upholding this right. At a time when support for promoting and protecting of human rights appears to be weakening in some parts of Europe, FRA's Director delivered a speech at a conference on 'Freedom of Expression in the Contemporary World' hosted by the Polish Council of Attorneys at Law in Warsaw on 1 December. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O’Flaherty
Beyond unacceptable patterns of failure to deliver effective human rights protection we must acknowledge an underlying malaise – this is the increasing willingness of some who hold power to repudiate the very human rights values and systems themselves. This phenomenon is relatively new and it is a matter of extreme concern, given the way in which it can corrode the system and weaken it. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **