
The Spanish Diplomatic School and Casa Àrabe is organising a course on Islam and Muslims today: foundations, diversity and dynamics of change.
In Bucharest on 29 May, the FRA Director will give a keynote address on the empowering role of women in society.
From 27 to 28 May in Luxembourg, the agency will take part in the annual meeting of the Eurostat working group on crime and criminal justice statistics.
The agency together with the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is co-organising a side-event on victims of hate crime.
Die Wahlen und Referenden der letzten Jahre in ganz Europa haben gezeigt: Wählen ist wichtig. Wie wir abstimmen – und ob wir überhaupt wählen – kann unsere Gesellschaft für Generationen verändern.
On 17 May, FRA took part in a SERISS expert meeting on survey fieldwork costs organised at NIDI in The Hague.
The EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), in cooperation with the Escola da Policia, is conducting training in Loures, Portugal, against child trafficking.
The FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will address the Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) on its opening day in Vienna on 21 May.
The European Commission is running on 21 May in Bratislava a capacity building seminar on moving towards independent living and community based care.
On 21 May, a group of students from the Department of International Law at the University of Erfurt in Germany will visit FRA.
During the Romanian Presidency’s e-justice conference, the agency will speak on the panel on the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies in the field of justice.
The Police and Human Rights Programme of the Dutch section of Amnesty International will hold an expert meeting on predictive policing from 20 to 21 May in Amsterdam.
In the framework of its cooperation with civil society in the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP), the agency is hosting a peer exchange workshop on strategic litigation in human rights, with selected experienced organisations.
On 7 May in Brussels, FRA presented its work in the area of the European arrest warrant and mutual trust.
On 8 May, FRA’s Director participated via videoconference in a hearing of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament.
Aktuelle Nachricht
On 14 May, FRA was the keynote speaker at an event in Vienna on the challenges and chances in the European Asylum System.
Botschaften, Delegationen und ständige Vertretungen unterstützen IDAHOBIT und EuroPride 2019 in Wien.
On 14 May in Brussels, the Heads of FRA, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) and the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) met to explore ways to better work together on promoting and protecting human rights and equality across Europe.
Aktuelle Nachricht
Laut dem aktuellen Bericht der FRA werden die Grundrechte von Migrantinnen und Migranten nach wie vor durch eine Verschärfung der nationalen Migrationspolitiken und -gesetze in Frage gestellt. Der Bericht verweist auf neue Probleme, die dadurch entstehen, dass die Unterstützung für Gesundheitsversorgung und Unterkünfte zurückgefahren wird, sowie auf bestehende Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Überbelegung und Asylverfahren.
The agency’s Executive Board and Management Board will meet on 16 and 17 May.