


  • Data explorer
    FRA’s 2021 survey on Roma in Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Spain collected information from 8,461 respondents living in private households who self-identify as Roma, are 16 or older and have lived in the survey countries for at least the 12 months before the survey.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report presents findings from FRA’s 2021 survey on Roma in Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain, as well as in North Macedonia and Serbia. The survey includes interviews with more than 8,400 Roma, collecting information on more than 20,000 individuals living in their households. By focusing on Roma, the survey provides unique data and information that are not available from European general population surveys, which do not disaggregate on grounds of ethnic origin. The findings present a bleak but familiar picture of exclusion, deprivation, discrimination and racism.
  • Data explorer
    FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom interviewed almost 4 700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8 200 individuals living in their households.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report presents findings from FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey included interviews with almost 4,700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8,200 individuals living in their households.
The year 2017 brought both progress and setbacks in terms of rights protection. The European Pillar of Social Rights marked an important move towards a more ‘social Europe’. But, as experiences with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights underscore, agreement on a text is merely a first step. Even in its eighth year as the EU's binding bill of rights, the Charter's potential was not fully exploited, highlighting the need to more actively promote its use.
Οι οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας των πολιτών στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην προαγωγή των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων, όμως νομικοί και πρακτικοί
περιορισμοί δυσχεραίνουν την επίτευξη του στόχου αυτού. Μολονότι σε όλα τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ υφίστανται προκλήσεις, η ακριβής φύση και η έκτασή τους ποικίλλουν. Σε
γενικές γραμμές, για το θέμα αυτό δεν υφίστανται επαρκή στοιχεία ούτε επαρκής έρευνα –περιλαμβανομένης της συγκριτικής έρευνας.
Ως εκ τούτου, η έκθεση του FRA εξετάζει την τυπολογία και τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά των προκλήσεων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας των πολιτών που δραστηριοποιούνται στον τομέα των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στην ΕΕ. Επισημαίνει επίσης ελπιδοφόρες πρακτικές για την αντιμετώπιση των ανησυχητικών αυτών φαινομένων.
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and addresses burning fundamental rights themes.
Poor sanitation, hunger, youth unemployment – Roma in the EU face these basic challenges in their daily life, finds the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ latest Report.
Despite ambitious initiatives, the fundamental rights situation of Roma in the EU remains profoundly troubling. This report examines the persisting phenomenon of anti-Gypsyism and its effect on Roma inclusion efforts. It first presents data on key manifestations of anti-Gypsyism, namely discrimination, harassment and hate crime.
New language version: Greek
15 September 2021
Η ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία κατά των διακρίσεων, η οποία αποτελείται ειδικότερα από τις οδηγίες
της ΕΕ κατά των διακρίσεων, καθώς και από το άρθρο 14 και το δωδέκατο πρωτόκολλο της
Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης των Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου απαγορεύει τις διακρίσεις σε διάφορους
τομείς και για διάφορους λόγους. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο εξετάζει την ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία κατά
των διακρίσεων, όπως αυτή απορρέει από τις δύο αυτές πηγές που λειτουργούν συμπληρωματικά
μεταξύ τους, παραπέμποντας αδιακρίτως και στις δύο όποτε αυτές αλληλοεπικαλύπτονται,
επισημαίνοντας, όμως, ταυτόχρονα, τυχόν διαφορές τους.
Seventeen years after adoption of EU laws that forbid discrimination, immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and minority ethnic groups continue to face widespread discrimination across the EU and in all areas of life – most often when seeking employment. For many, discrimination is a recurring experience. This is just one of the findings of FRA’s second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II), which collected information from over 25,500 respondents with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across all 28 EU Member States.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launches its second EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II).
This survey involved interviews with 25,515 people with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across 28 EU countries. It explores issues concerning discrimination as well as experiences of harassment, hate-motivated violence and discriminatory profiling.
This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to discrimination. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to victimisation. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to inclusion. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
Diverse efforts at both EU and national levels sought to bolster fundamental rights protection in 2016, while some measures threatened to undermine such protection.
Diverse efforts at both EU and national levels sought to bolster fundamental rights protection in 2016, while some measures threatened to undermine such protection.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. Such a milestone offers an opportunity for reflection – both on the progress that provides cause for celebration and on the lingering shortcomings that must be addressed.
This playlist contains video clips from each locality which took part in the Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI) research.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) explores what works and what doesn’t when it comes to Roma inclusion at the local level.
Με το 80 % των Ρομά που συμμετείχαν στην έρευνα να ζουν κάτω από το όριο κινδύνου φτώχειας στη χώρα τους, έναν στους τρεις Ρομά να ζει σε νοικοκυριό χωρίς τρεχούμενο νερό, ένα στα τρία παιδιά Ρομά να ζει σε νοικοκυριό όπου κάποιος πήγε για ύπνο νηστικός τουλάχιστον μία φορά τον περασμένο μήνα και τα παιδιά Ρομά να υστερούν έναντι των μη Ρομά συνομηλίκων τους στην εκπαίδευση, η παρούσα έκθεση αναδεικνύει μια ανησυχητική πλην όμως αναπόδραστη πραγματικότητα: η μεγαλύτερη εθνοτική μειονότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης συνεχίζει να αντιμετωπίζει διακρίσεις και άνιση πρόσβαση σε διάφορες βασικές υπηρεσίες.
The European Union (EU) and its Member States introduced and pursued numerous initiatives to safeguard and strengthen
fundamental rights in 2015. Some of these efforts produced important progress; others fell short of their aims. Meanwhile,
various global developments brought new – and exacerbated existing – challenges.
The European Union (EU) and its Member States introduced and pursued
numerous initiatives to safeguard and strengthen fundamental rights in 2015.
FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2016 summarises and analyses major
developments in the fundamental rights field, noting both progress made
and persisting obstacles. This publication presents FRA’s opinions on the
main developments in the thematic areas covered and a synopsis of the
evidence supporting these opinions. In so doing, it provides a compact but
informative overview of the main fundamental rights challenges confronting
the EU and its Member States.