The right to asylum shall be guaranteed with due respect for the rules of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 and the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the status of refugees and in accordance with the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as 'the Treaties').

  • Text:

    The text of the Article has been based on TEC Article 63, now replaced by Article 78 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which requires the Union to respect the Geneva Convention on refugees. Reference should be made to the Protocols relating to the United Kingdom and Ireland, annexed to the Treaties, and to Denmark, to determine the extent to which those Member States implement Union law in this area and the extent to which this Article is applicable to them. This Article is in line with the Protocol on Asylum annexed to the Treaties.

    Official Journal of the European Union C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    These explanations were originally prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter.
  • Unknown Afghan asylum seeker vs. the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    National Court/Tribunal
    Deciding body:
    Federal Administrative Court
    Policy area:
    Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • European Commission v Hungary
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Grand Chamber
    Policy area:
    Irregular migration and return
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • European Commission v Hungary
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Advocate General
    Policy area:
    Irregular migration and return
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • FMS and Others v Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság Dél-alföldi Regionális Igazgatóság and Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Grand Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Unnamed plaintiff, citizen of the Republic of North Macedonia; defendant: Ministry of Justice
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    National Court/Tribunal
    Deciding body:
    Administrative Court
    Policy area:
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • N.D. and N.T. v. Spain
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    European Court of Human Rights
    Deciding body:
    Court (Grand Chamber)
    Policy area:
    Irregular migration and return
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Zubair Haqbin v Federaal agentschap voor de opvang van asielzoekers
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court, Grand Chamber
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security, Borders and Visa
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Zubair Haqbin v Federaal agentschap voor de opvang van asielzoekers
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • M v Ministerstvo vnitra (C-391/16) and X (C-77/17), X (C-78/17) v Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Grand Chamber
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security, Asylum and migration
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Bashar Ibrahim (C 297/17), Mahmud Ibrahim, Fadwa Ibrahim, Bushra Ibrahim, Mohammad Ibrahim, Ahmad Ibrahim (C 318/17), Nisreen Sharqawi, Yazan Fattayrji, Hosam Fattayrji (C 319/17) v Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and Bundesrepublik Deutschland v Taus Magamadov (C 438/17)
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Grand Chamber
    Policy area:
    Justice, freedom and security
    ECLI (European case law identifier):

35 results found

  • Republic of Lithuania’s Law on the Legal Status of Aliens

    Article 1.1. This Law shall establish the procedure of entry and exit, temporary or permanent residence, granting of asylum, the procedure of integration and naturalisation as well as the procedure for lodging appeals against the decisions on the legal status of aliens and shall regulate other issues relating to the legal status of aliens in the Republic of Lithuania. 2. The provisions of this Law have been harmonised with the provisions of legal acts of the European Union specified in the Annex to this Law. 3. The Law shall not apply to aliens who enjoy the privileges and immunities under international treaties and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 4. The provisions of other laws of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to legal relations regulated by this Law to the extent they are not regulated by this Law.

  • Constitution of the Italian Republic

    Art. 10. (...) A foreigner who, in his home country, is denied the actual exercise of the democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian constitution shall be entitled to
    the right of asylum under the conditions established by law.

  • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

    Art. 10. (...) Lo straniero, al quale sia impedito nel suo paese l'effettivo esercizio delle libertà democratiche garantite dalla Costituzione italiana, ha diritto d'asilo nel territorio della Repubblica, secondo le condizioni stabilite dalla legge.

  • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

    XIV. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) […] (3) Magyarország — ha sem származási országuk, sem más ország nem nyújt védelmet — kérelemre menedékjogot biztosít azoknak a nem magyar állampolgároknak, akiket hazájukban vagy a szokásos tartózkodási helyük szerinti országban faji, nemzeti hovatartozásuk, meghatározott társadalmi csoporthoz tartozásuk, vallási, illetve politikai meggyőződésük miatt üldöznek, vagy az üldöztetéstől való félelmük megalapozott.

  • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

    Article XIV (Freedom and Responsibility) [...] (3) Hungary shall, upon request, grant the right to asylum to non-Hungarian citizens being persecuted or
    having a well-founded fear of persecution in their native country or in the country of their
    habitual residence for reasons of race, nationality, membership of a particular social group, religious, political belief, if they do not receive protection from their country of origin or from any other country.

  • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

    Article 16a (1) Persons persecuted on political grounds shall have the right of asylum. (2) Paragraph (1) of this Article may not be invoked by a person who enters the federal territory from a member state of the European Communities or from another third state in which application of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is assured. The states outside the European Communities to which the criteria of the first sentence of this paragraph apply shall be specified by a law requiring the consent of the Bundesrat. In the cases specified in the first sentence of this paragraph, measures to terminate an applicant’s stay may be implemented without regard to any legal challenge that may have been instituted against them. (3) By a law requiring the consent of the Bundesrat, states may be specified in which, on the basis of their laws, enforcement practices and general political conditions, it can be safely concluded that neither political persecution nor inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment exists. It shall be presumed that a foreigner from such a state is not persecuted, unless he presents evidence justifying the conclusion that, contrary to this presumption, he is persecuted on political grounds. (4) In the cases specified by paragraph (3) of this Article and in other cases that are plainly unfounded or considered to be plainly unfounded, the implementation of measures to terminate an applicant’s stay may be suspended by a court only if serious doubts exist as to their legality; the scope of review may be limited, and tardy objections may be disregarded. Details shall be determined by a law. (5) Paragraphs (1) to (4) of this Article shall not preclude the conclusion of international agreements of member states of the European Communities with each other or with those third states which, with due regard for the obligations arising from the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, whose enforcement must be assured in the contracting states, adopt rules conferring jurisdiction to decide on applications for asylum, including the reciprocal recognition of asylum decisions.

  • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Artikel 16a (1) Politisch Verfolgte genießen Asylrecht. (2) Auf Absatz 1 kann sich nicht berufen, wer aus einem Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Gemeinschaften oder aus einem anderen Drittstaat einreist, in dem die Anwendung des Abkommens über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge und der Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten sichergestellt ist. Die Staaten außerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, auf die die Voraussetzungen des Satzes 1 zutreffen, werden durch Gesetz, das der Zustimmung des Bundesrates bedarf, bestimmt. In den Fällen des Satzes 1 können aufenthaltsbeendende Maßnahmen unabhängig von einem hiergegen eingelegten Rechtsbehelf vollzogen werden. (3) Durch Gesetz, das der Zustimmung des Bundesrates bedarf, können Staaten bestimmt werden, bei denen auf Grund der Rechtslage, der Rechtsanwendung und der allgemeinen politischen Verhältnisse gewährleistet erscheint, daß dort weder politische Verfolgung noch unmenschliche oder erniedrigende Bestrafung oder Behandlung stattfindet. Es wird vermutet, daß ein Ausländer aus einem solchen Staat nicht verfolgt wird, solange er nicht Tatsachen vorträgt, die die Annahme begründen, daß er entgegen dieser Vermutung politisch verfolgt wird. (4) Die Vollziehung aufenthaltsbeendender Maßnahmen wird in den Fällen des Absatzes 3 und in anderen Fällen, die offensichtlich unbegründet sind oder als offensichtlich unbegründet gelten, durch das Gericht nur ausgesetzt, wenn ernstliche Zweifel an der Rechtmäßigkeit der Maßnahme bestehen; der Prüfungsumfang kann eingeschränkt werden und verspätetes Vorbringen unberücksichtigt bleiben. Das Nähere ist durch Gesetz zu bestimmen. (5) Die Absätze 1 bis 4 stehen völkerrechtlichen Verträgen von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaften untereinander und mit dritten Staaten nicht entgegen, die unter Beachtung der Verpflichtungen aus dem Abkommen über die Rechtsstellung der Flüchtlinge und der Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten, deren Anwendung in den Vertragsstaaten sichergestellt sein muß, Zuständigkeitsregelungen für die Prüfung von Asylbegehren einschließlich der gegenseitigen Anerkennung von Asylentscheidungen treffen.

  • Preamble to the Constitution of 27 October 1946

    § 4 Any man persecuted in virtue of his actions in favour of liberty may claim the right of asylum upon the territories of the Republic.

  • Préambule de la Constitution du 27 octobre 1946

    § 4Tout homme persécuté en raison de son action en faveur de la liberté a droit d'asile sur les territoires de la République.

  • Constitution of Finland

    Section 9 Freedom of movement Finnish citizens and foreigners legally resident in Finland have the right to freely move within the country and to choose their place of residence. Everyone has the right to leave the country. Limitations on this right may be provided by an Act, if they are necessary for the purpose of safeguarding legal proceedings or for the enforcement of penalties or for the fulfilment of the duty of national defence. Finnish citizens shall not be prevented from entering Finland or deported or extradited or transferred from Finland to another country against their will. However, it may be laid down by an Act that due to a criminal act, for the purpose of legal proceedings, or in order to enforce a decision concerning the custody or care of a child, a Finnish citizen can be extradited or transferred to a country in which his or her human rights and legal protection are guaranteed. The right of foreigners to enter Finland and to remain in the country is regulated by an Act. A foreigner shall not be deported, extradited or returned to another country, if in consequence he or she is in danger of a death sentence, torture or other treatment violating human dignity. 

  • Suomen perustuslaki

    9 § Liikkumisvapaus Suomen kansalaisella ja maassa laillisesti oleskelevalla ulkomaalaisella on vapaus liikkua maassa ja valita asuinpaikkansa. Jokaisella on oikeus lähteä maasta. Tähän oikeuteen voidaan lailla säätää välttämättömiä rajoituksia oikeudenkäynnin tai rangaistuksen täytäntöönpanon varmistamiseksi taikka maanpuolustusvelvollisuuden täyttämisen turvaamiseksi. Suomen kansalaista ei saa estää saapumasta maahan, karkottaa maasta eikä vastoin tahtoaan luovuttaa tai siirtää toiseen maahan. Lailla voidaan kuitenkin säätää, että Suomen kansalainen voidaan rikoksen johdosta tai oikeudenkäyntiä varten taikka lapsen huoltoa tai hoitoa koskevan päätöksen täytäntöönpanemiseksi luovuttaa tai siirtää maahan, jossa hänen ihmisoikeutensa ja oikeusturvansa on taattu. Ulkomaalaisen oikeudesta tulla Suomeen ja oleskella maassa säädetään lailla. Ulkomaalaista ei saa karkottaa, luovuttaa tai palauttaa, jos häntä tämän vuoksi uhkaa kuolemanrangaistus, kidutus tai muu ihmisarvoa loukkaava kohtelu. 

  • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia

    Article 33
    Foreign citizens and stateless persons may be granted asylum in Croatia, unless they are being prosecuted for non-political crimes and activities contrary to the fundamental principles of international law.
    No alien legally in the territory of the Republic of Croatia shall be banished or extradited to another state, except in cases of enforcement of decisions made in compliance with an international treaty or law.

  • Ustav Republike Hrvatske

    Članak 33.
    Strani državljanin i osobe bez državljanstva mogu dobiti utočište u Republici Hrvatskoj, osim ako su progonjeni za nepolitičke zločine i djelatnosti oprečne temeljnim načelima međunarodnog prava.
    Stranac koji se zakonito nalazi na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske ne može biti protjeran ni izručen drugoj državi, osim kad se mora izvršiti odluka donesena u skladu s međunarodnim ugovorom i zakonom.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Art. 26. [...] (2) Foreigners residing in the Republic of Bulgaria shall be vested with all rights and obligations proceeding from this Constitution, except those rights and duties for which Bulgarian citizenship is required by this Constitution or by another law. Art. 27. (1) Foreigners residing legally in the country shall not be expelled or extradited to another State against their will, except in accordance with the provisions and the procedures established by law. (2) The Republic of Bulgaria shall grant asylum to foreigners persecuted for their opinions or activity in the defence of internationally recognized rights and freedoms. (3) The conditions and procedure for the granting of asylum shall be established by law.

  • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

    Чл. 26. [...] (2) Чужденците, които пребивават в Република България, имат всички права и задължения по тази Конституция с изключение на правата и задълженията, за които Конституцията и законите изискват българско гражданство. Чл. 27. (1) Чужденците, които пребивават в страната на законно основание, не могат да бъдат изгонвани от нея или предавани на друга държава против тяхната воля, освен при условията и по реда, определени със закон. (2) Република България дава убежище на чужденци, преследвани заради техните убеждения или дейност в защита на международно признати права и свободи. (3) Условията и редът за даване на убежище се уреждат със закон.

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