
On 21 June, FRA attended the Employers Sanctions Directive working group in Brussels.
FRA took part in a public hearing on the labour market situation and Roma workers’ rights in a time of economic crisis.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will present FRA’s upcoming report on protecting human rights defenders at risk to the European Parliament’s Human Rights subcommittee (DROI) on 28 June.
FRA will take part in UEFA’s inaugural Respect Forum on 27 and 28 June in Frankfurt.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director's speech on 26 June at the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) III in 2023 in Vienna on the role of civil society in promoting and protecting tolerance and non-discrimination.
The European Commission and FRA hosted a seminar on ‘Supporting civil society organisations and human rights defenders through funding’ on 19 June in Brussels.
On 23 June, FRA will host an online information session for national authorities.
FRA gave a presentation on 20 June on fundamental rights for Europol’s guest officers who will be deployed in Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Lithuania.
On 21 June, FRA spoke about the fundamental rights implications of using large-scale EU IT systems.
FRA provided fundamental rights input at a stakeholders meeting of the SHARED project.
Article d'actualité
FRA launched the Hungarian translation of its updated handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration.
FRA launched a major new version of its European Fundamental Rights Information System – EFRIS.
FRA presented its ongoing work on a report on human rights defenders’ access to the EU at the annual meeting of the EU Temporary Relocation Platform.
On 13 June, FRA attended a Roma Roundtable event in Romania.
The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU will convene experts from Member States, EU institutions and other stakeholders for the Stockholm Symposium on Democracy and the Rule of Law.
On 20 June, FRA will present its annual fundamental rights report to the Council Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP).
The EU Framework for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD will hold its second annual meeting in Brussels on 19 June.
Article d'actualité
L’effroyable noyade de centaines de migrants, survenue la semaine dernière dans les eaux situées au large de la Grèce, nous rappelle, une fois de plus, qu’il est urgent de réviser les règles de l’UE en matière de migration et d’asile. À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des réfugiés, l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) réitère son appel en faveur de recherches et de sauvetages en mer plus efficaces, au moyen du renforcement de la protection des survivants de naufrages, et de la garantie d’une entrée légale sûre pour les migrants et les réfugiés.
Les droits fondamentaux ont récemment dû affronter de multiples tempêtes alors que diverses crises frappent l’Europe et le reste du monde. Les participants à une conférence de haut niveau ont tiré les enseignements des crises, passées et présentes, et indiqué la voie à suivre afin de rendre les structures de défense des droits de l’homme plus résilientes.
In a high-level statement on 12 June, the FRA Director outlined key proposals on why the EU should adopt the EU’s draft Equal Treatment Directive.