Fighting religious and ethnic discrimination

External event
FRA’s Director will speak during a conference on 18 June on the vulnerabilities of Muslim communities in the EU.

The conference is a joint initiative by the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the European network of Equality bodies, Equinet. It aims to identify pathways for cooperation which can help to fight discrimination by exchanging good and promising practices.

There will be a particular focus on how equality bodies could cooperate with authorities and civil society to support victims, as well as how to put preventative measures in place. The FRA Director will participate, as well as the EU Equality Commissioner, Helena Dalli.

It will be attended by representatives of national authorities members of the High Level Groups on combating racism and xenophobia and on non-discrimination, equality and diversity, representatives of international organisations and equality bodies, as well as civil society organisations working on the ground.