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3558 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Download Category / Subcategory
F-SE-16-T19 Invitation to tender / 24077 / Agency
( 24/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
F-SE-16-T19 Contract notice / 24076 / Agency
( 24/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Report on budgetary and financial management - Financial year 2016 / 24068 / Agency
( 22/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Budget and financial documents
Child-friendly justice: Perspectives and experiences of children - Media memo / 24067 / Agency
( 22/02/2017 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Current migration situation in the EU: Torture, trauma and its possible impact on drug use - February 2017 / 24072 / Agency
( 22/02/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Press release - Child-friendly justice: the child’s perspective / 24062 / Agency
( 21/02/2017 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings as victims, witnesses or parties in nine EU Member States / 24063 / Agency
( 21/02/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children and professionals - Summary / 24064 / Agency
( 21/02/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings as victims, witnesses or parties in nine EU Member States - Annexes / 24065 / Agency
( 21/02/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
F-SE-16-T15 Questions and answers II / 24055 / Agency
( 20/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
F-SE-16-T01 Questions and answers II / 24046 / Agency
( 16/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
F-SE-16-T01 Annex A1 - Technical specifications amended / 24005 / Agency
( 07/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
F-SE-16-T01 Questions and answers I / 24006 / Agency
( 07/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
F-SE-16-T15 Questions and answers I / 24007 / Agency
( 07/02/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Corrigendum to HRL/020/2016 selection committee CA-ICTO-FGIV-2016 / 23968 / Agency
( 31/01/2017 )
Administrative documents / Vacancies