
News Item
EUROCITIES and the Citiy of Amsterdam organised a workshop and panel debate about inclusion of Muslim communities and prevention of discrimination in cities.
The European Judicial Training Network recently signed a Letter of Intent with FRA.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) invited several EU agencies to discuss results of their project on possible uses of artificial intelligence by EU agencies.
On 14 November, FRA’s Director spoke at the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions’ 2019 Annual Conference ‘Realising Economic and Social Rights in Europe: the role of National Human Rights Institutions’.
On 21 November in Helsinki, FRA will participate in an event to discuss how to achieve deinstitutionalisation for people with disabilities in Finland.
Today marks 30 years of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child – a landmark human rights treaty. It changed how adults view and treat children. But despite considerable progress in Europe, basic challenges, such as child poverty, remain.
Vienna City Hall will host a full-day event dedicated to child rights with activities for and by children and young people to mark the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
FRA will run the first meeting of the working group on hate crime recording, data collection and encouraging reporting.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty keynote address to the EASO Consultative Forum Plenary Meeting on the the initial steps of the asylum procedure that took place in Brussels on 12 November.
Delays and serious challenges integrating young refugees who have fled war and persecution risk creating a lost generation, finds a new Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) report. While it identifies some good practices, it urges Member States to learn from each other to give these young people an adequate chance in life.
FRA will take part in the plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Convention 108 Committee.
FRA will take part in the first meeting of European Network of Equality Bodies’ Working Group on Research and Data Collection.
FRA is the current chair of the EU Agencies Network on Scientific Advice (ANSA).
On 19 November the Annual Rule of law dialogue - as established by the Council and the Member States end of 2014 - takes place in a General Affairs Council meeting in Brussels.
Check out the EU's modern human rights catalogue! The Charter celebrates this year its 10th anniversary since it became legally binding!
FRA will take part in a youths with disabilities Round Table discussion on 18 November in Vienna, organised by the Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna.
FRA will take part in the first meeting of the Council of Europe Ad-hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI).
FRA will present the Trainer’s Manual for the elearning eMedia Toolkit at the final conference of the EU-funded ‘Silence Hate’ project on 18 November in Brussels.
On 18 and 19 November in Skopje, North Macedonia, the FRA Deputy Director Constantinos Manolopoulos will participate in the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs.