Past events

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695 Events found

External event
This year, FRA has renewed its long-term partnership with the Vienna-based, international human rights film festival ‘this human world’ (THW). The festival will open on Wednesday 27 November and end on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2024.
FRA will present its report on EU Funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights at a meeting of the Member States' expert group on the Common Provisions Regulation for EU Funds.
FRA’s Director will take part in the 25th anniversary of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. She will join a high-level panel debate discussing how to stand up for human rights in challenging times.
From 20 to 21 November, an Equinet seminar on Climate Change and its Equality Implications will take place in Brussels. It aims to continue developing and enhancing the knowledge and understanding of Equality Bodies regarding climate change and its impact on equality.
FRA will take part in the 1st Eastern Partnership Civil Society Summit. It will take place from 19 to 21 November in Vienna.
FRA will take part in the next Infra4NextGen Stakeholders Board online meeting on 18 November. The project is funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.
The EU Victims’ Rights Platform will meet on 18 November. The online meeting aims to discuss and synchronise ongoing and planned actions in relation to the challenges and opportunities related to the new technologies and victims’ rights.
FRA will take part in a meeting of the EU Network for Children’s Rights. FRA will present insights and outputs from its integrated child protection systems project.
On 15 November, a group of Slovenian and Erasmus students from the University of Ljubljana law faculty will visit FRA.
Joint event
FRA and the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will hold a joint event for members of the OSCE’s national contact points network and the FRA-led EU Working Group on hate crime reporting, recording and data collection.