Diversity Day in Vienna is an event for schoolchildren and young people. Under the motto ‘respect unlimited', the event promotes diversity and awareness of the right to equal treatment. Two thousand young people from Vienna and over 500 from all 6 EU countries bordering Austria are expected.
Diversity Day should encourage young people to recognise and tackle prejudices and discrimination. There will be an exciting mix of entertainment and information on offer on the day. The stage programme promises music, dance and theatre from many cultures and countries. Workshops and information stands invite young people to reflect and interact. Over 45 organisations, along with the EU, will provide information on the topics of fundamental rights, equal treatment, diversity and discrimination. From the wheelchair course, to sign language to anti-discrimination training, the day offers the opportunity to actively experience the meaning of equal opportunities.
The event opens at 10:00 in the ballroom of the Town Hall in the presence of (in order of appearance):
Media representatives are invited to the whole event.
To register to attend, contact media@fra.europa.eu, +43 (0)351 1 580 - 30 858
For more information, go to http://www.diversityday.eu/