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Work on rights
Justicia, derechos de las víctimas y cooperación judicial
Derechos de las víctimas
Derechos de los acusados
Justicia civil
Cooperación judicial y Estado de Derecho
Empresas y derechos humanos
Igualdad, no discriminación y racismo
Niños, niñas, jóvenes y personas mayores
Personas con discapacidad
Delito de odio
Origen racial y étnico
Religión y creencia
Personas romanís
Sexo, orientación sexual y género
Asilo, migración y fronteras
Acceso al asilo
Fronteras y sistemas de información
Protección de la infancia
Migración irregular, retorno e internamiento de inmigrantes
Migración legal e integración
Trata y explotación laboral
Protección de datos, privacidad y nuevas tecnologías
Inteligencia artificial y macrodatos
Fronteras y sistemas de información
Protección de datos
Elaboración ilícita de perfiles
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la UE
Sistemas intergubernamentales de derechos humanos
Sistemas y órganos nacionales de derechos humanos
Sociedad civil
La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea
¿Cuáles son los derechos fundamentales?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Título I: Dignidad
1 - Dignidad humana
2 - Derecho a la vida
3 - Derecho a la integridad de la persona
4 - Prohibición de la tortura y de las penas o los tratos inhumanos o degradantes
5 - Prohibición de la esclavitud y del trabajo forzado
Título II: Libertades
6 - Derecho a la libertad y a la seguridad
7 - Respeto de la vida privada y familiar
8 - Protección de datos de carácter personal
9 - Derecho a contraer matrimonio y derecho a fundar una familia
10 - Libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de religión
11 - Libertad de expresión y de información
12 - Libertad de reunión y de asociación
13 - Libertad de las artes y de las ciencias
14 - Derecho a la educación
15 - Libertad profesional y derecho a trabajar
16 - Libertad de empresa
17 - Derecho a la propiedad
18 - Derecho de asilo
19 - Protección en caso de devolución, expulsión y extradición
Título III: Igualdad
20 - Igualdad ante la ley
21 - No discriminación
22 - Diversidad cultural, religiosa y lingüística
23 - Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres
24 - Derechos del niño
25 - Derechos de las personas mayores
26 - Integración de las personas discapacitadas
Título IV: Solidaridad
27 - Derecho a la información y consulta de los trabajadores en la empresa
28 - Derecho de negociación y de acción colectiva
29 - Derecho de acceso a los servicios de colocación
30 - Protección en caso de despido injustificado
31 - Condiciones de trabajo justas y equitativas
32 - Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
32 - Prohibición del trabajo infantil y protección de los jóvenes en el trabajo
33 - Vida familiar y vida profesional
34 - Seguridad social y ayuda social
35 - Protección de la salud
36 - Acceso a los servicios de interés económico general
37 - Protección del medio ambiente
Título V: Ciudadanía
38 - Protección de los consumidores
39 - Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo
40 - Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones municipales
41 - Derecho a una buena administración
42 - Derecho de acceso a los documentos
43 - El defensor del pueblo europeo
44 - Derecho de petición
45 - Libertad de circulación y de residencia
Título VI: Justicia
46 - Protección diplomática y consular
47 - Derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y a un juez imparcial
48 - Presunción de inocencia y derechos de la defensa
49 - Principios de legalidad y de proporcionalidad de los delitos y las penas
Título VII: Disposiciones generales
50 - Derecho a no ser juzgado o condenado penalmente dos veces por la misma infracción
51 - Ámbito de aplicación
52 - Alcance e interpretación de los derechos y principios
53 - Nivel de protección
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
About FRA
Who we are
Structure of FRA
Management Board
Management Board members
Management Board meeting documents
Executive Board
Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee members
Management team
What we do
Research and data
Convening people
FRA for children
What are my rights?
Where do my rights come from?
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Multi-annual Framework 2007-2022
Work Programme
Annual Activity report
Working at FRA
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Las instituciones y otros órganos de la UE
European Parliament
Council of the European Union
European Commission
EU agencies
Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network
European Committee of the Regions
European Economic and Social Committee
European Ombudsman
EU CRPD Framework
Review process
Los Estados miembros de la UE
National Liaison Officers
National Parliaments
El Consejo de Europa
La sociedad civil y la Plataforma de Derechos Fundamentales
Civic space
Platform library
How to register
Instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos, organismos de igualdad e instituciones del Defensor del Pueblo
La ONU, la OSCE y otras organizaciones internacionales
EEA and Norway Grants
Press releases
Past Events
FRA products 2024/5
FRA products 2023
FRA products 2022
FRA products 2021
FRA Products 2020
FRA Products 2019
Press packs
EU LGBTIQ survey - Press pack
Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism
EU LGBT Press pack
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children
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Work on rights
Work on rights
Justicia, derechos de las víctimas y cooperación judicial
Derechos de las víctimas
Derechos de los acusados
Justicia civil
Cooperación judicial y Estado de Derecho
Empresas y derechos humanos
Igualdad, no discriminación y racismo
Niños, niñas, jóvenes y personas mayores
Personas con discapacidad
Delito de odio
Origen racial y étnico
Religión y creencia
Personas romanís
Sexo, orientación sexual y género
Asilo, migración y fronteras
Acceso al asilo
Fronteras y sistemas de información
Protección de la infancia
Migración irregular, retorno e internamiento de inmigrantes
Migración legal e integración
Trata y explotación laboral
Protección de datos, privacidad y nuevas tecnologías
Inteligencia artificial y macrodatos
Fronteras y sistemas de información
Protección de datos
Elaboración ilícita de perfiles
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la UE
Sistemas intergubernamentales de derechos humanos
Sistemas y órganos nacionales de derechos humanos
Sociedad civil
La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea
La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea
¿Cuáles son los derechos fundamentales?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Título I: Dignidad
1 -
Dignidad humana
2 -
Derecho a la vida
3 -
Derecho a la integridad de la persona
4 -
Prohibición de la tortura y de las penas o los tratos inhumanos o degradantes
5 -
Prohibición de la esclavitud y del trabajo forzado
Título II: Libertades
6 -
Derecho a la libertad y a la seguridad
7 -
Respeto de la vida privada y familiar
8 -
Protección de datos de carácter personal
9 -
Derecho a contraer matrimonio y derecho a fundar una familia
10 -
Libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de religión
11 -
Libertad de expresión y de información
12 -
Libertad de reunión y de asociación
13 -
Libertad de las artes y de las ciencias
14 -
Derecho a la educación
15 -
Libertad profesional y derecho a trabajar
16 -
Libertad de empresa
17 -
Derecho a la propiedad
18 -
Derecho de asilo
19 -
Protección en caso de devolución, expulsión y extradición
Título III: Igualdad
20 -
Igualdad ante la ley
21 -
No discriminación
22 -
Diversidad cultural, religiosa y lingüística
23 -
Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres
24 -
Derechos del niño
25 -
Derechos de las personas mayores
26 -
Integración de las personas discapacitadas
Título IV: Solidaridad
27 -
Derecho a la información y consulta de los trabajadores en la empresa
28 -
Derecho de negociación y de acción colectiva
29 -
Derecho de acceso a los servicios de colocación
30 -
Protección en caso de despido injustificado
31 -
Condiciones de trabajo justas y equitativas
32 -
Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
32 -
Prohibición del trabajo infantil y protección de los jóvenes en el trabajo
33 -
Vida familiar y vida profesional
34 -
Seguridad social y ayuda social
35 -
Protección de la salud
36 -
Acceso a los servicios de interés económico general
37 -
Protección del medio ambiente
Título V: Ciudadanía
38 -
Protección de los consumidores
39 -
Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo
40 -
Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones municipales
41 -
Derecho a una buena administración
42 -
Derecho de acceso a los documentos
43 -
El defensor del pueblo europeo
44 -
Derecho de petición
45 -
Libertad de circulación y de residencia
Título VI: Justicia
46 -
Protección diplomática y consular
47 -
Derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y a un juez imparcial
48 -
Presunción de inocencia y derechos de la defensa
49 -
Principios de legalidad y de proporcionalidad de los delitos y las penas
Título VII: Disposiciones generales
50 -
Derecho a no ser juzgado o condenado penalmente dos veces por la misma infracción
51 -
Ámbito de aplicación
52 -
Alcance e interpretación de los derechos y principios
53 -
Nivel de protección
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
Search the FRA website
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Work on rights
Asilo, migración y fronteras
Trata y explotación laboral
Trata y explotación laboral
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Título I: Dignidad
Artículo 2 - Derecho a la vida
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Título IV: Solidaridad
Artículo 31 - Condiciones de trabajo justas y equitativas
Handbook / Guide / Manual
How workplace inspectors can protect third-country workers' rights - Training manual
This manual is designed to be used by workplace inspection staff in the Member States. It is intended to empower them to enforce the protective standards in EU law that safeguard the rights of third-country workers, including seasonal workers, migrant workers with temporary permits and migrants in an irregular situation. Third-country workers are nationals who are not from a Member State or from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
Read news item
Read six points for inspectors
Handbook / Guide / Manual
Six points for workplace inspectors – EU law safeguards for non-EU workers
Migrant workers are particularly at risk of labour exploitation. Workplace inspectors play a role in protecting non-EU workers' rights. This report guides inspectors to identify abuse and protect migrant workers. In autumn 2024, FRA will publish a manual with extensive resources to support workplace inspectors.
Read news item
Download training manual
Report / Paper / Summary
Protecting migrants in an irregular situation from labour exploitation – Role of the Employers Sanctions Directive
The Employers Sanctions Directive was primarily enacted to dissuade employers from recruiting migrants in an irregular situation, but it also contains provisions to protect workers. It facilitates access to justice for exploited workers and sets out workers’ rights to claim back payment of outstanding wages. The directive also contains provisions to enhance the effectiveness of labour inspections. This report describes how the 25 Member States bound by the directive have been implementing its protective provisions, focusing on the impact these provisions have on migrant workers in an irregular situation who are victims of exploitation and other labour
law violations.
Read press release
25 June 2019
Rights holders perspectives of severe labour exploitation
A short documentary related to labour exploitation in some sectors of the agricultural and transport industries.
Handbook / Guide / Manual
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
How workplace inspectors can protect third-country workers' rights - Training manual
This manual is designed to be used by workplace inspection staff in the Member States. It is intended to empower them to enforce the protective standards in EU law that safeguard the rights of third-country workers, including seasonal workers, migrant workers with temporary permits and migrants in an irregular situation. Third-country workers are nationals who are not from a Member State or from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
Read news item
Read six points for inspectors
Handbook / Guide / Manual
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Business and human rights
Six points for workplace inspectors – EU law safeguards for non-EU workers
Migrant workers are particularly at risk of labour exploitation. Workplace inspectors play a role in protecting non-EU workers' rights. This report guides inspectors to identify abuse and protect migrant workers. In autumn 2024, FRA will publish a manual with extensive resources to support workplace inspectors.
Read news item
Download training manual
Periodic updates / Series
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Trafficking and labour exploitation
The Russian aggression against Ukraine – Displaced children finding protection in the EU - Bulletin 3
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine posed new challenges for the EU. Millions were forced to flee the war. As a result of the scale of people’s displacement, the EU activated for the first time the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). More than 1.3 million children sought international protection in the EU. This bulletin explores the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of displaced children and ways to safeguard their rights. The third in a series, this bulletin builds on the evidence in FRA’s Bulletin #1 and #2 on the experiences of displaced people seeking safety in the EU.
Read press release
Read all Ukraine bulletins
Report / Paper / Summary
Asilo, migración y fronteras
Acceso al asilo
Protección de la infancia
Migración legal e integración
Trata y explotación laboral
La huida de Ucrania: Experiencias de personas desplazadas en la Unión
La agresión militar de Rusia contra Ucrania provocó escenas que no se vivían en Europa desde hacía décadas. El conflicto ha causado desde entonces muertes, inmensa destrucción y un sufrimiento indecible. También implicó desplazamientos masivos de población a una escala como no se conocía desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Download report on employment barriers
Download bulletins on the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Read press release
Periodic updates / Series
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Child protection
Trafficking and labour exploitation
The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine ― The broad fundamental rights impact in the EU - Bulletin 2
The Russian invasion of Ukraine triggered solidarity from EU governments, local authorities and society as they welcomed more than 7 million people fleeing the aggression. The European Union’s rapid response, activating the EU Temporary Protection Directive, offered welcome relief and much-needed support to those in need. It allowed displaced persons the opportunity to quickly settle and to work, travel and access services across the EU. But other pressing human rights issues have come to the fore and remain high on the EU’s agenda, such as human trafficking, sexual and gender-based violence, hate crime and hate-fuelled disinformation.
Download bulletin 1
Download findings of survey on displaced people from Ukraine
Read news item
Report / Paper / Summary
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
Business and human rights
Protecting migrants in an irregular situation from labour exploitation – Role of the Employers Sanctions Directive
The Employers Sanctions Directive was primarily enacted to dissuade employers from recruiting migrants in an irregular situation, but it also contains provisions to protect workers. It facilitates access to justice for exploited workers and sets out workers’ rights to claim back payment of outstanding wages. The directive also contains provisions to enhance the effectiveness of labour inspections. This report describes how the 25 Member States bound by the directive have been implementing its protective provisions, focusing on the impact these provisions have on migrant workers in an irregular situation who are victims of exploitation and other labour
law violations.
Read press release
Asylum, migration and borders
Trafficking and labour exploitation
25 June 2019
Severe labour exploitation: A Woman Captured - Trailer
A Woman captured – a film by Bernadett Tuza-Ritter
Asylum, migration and borders
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Business and human rights
Trafficking and labour exploitation
25 June 2019
Rights holders perspectives of severe labour exploitation
A short documentary related to labour exploitation in some sectors of the agricultural and transport industries.
Report / Paper / Summary
Business and human rights
Asylum, migration and borders
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU: boosting workplace inspections
Severe labour exploitation is widespread across the European Union. While workplace inspections can help counter this phenomenon, they need to be strengthened to do so effectively. Based on interviews and focus group discussions with almost 240 exploited workers active in diverse economic sectors, this report provides important evidence on how unscrupulous employers manipulate and undermine inspections, and on what can be done to counteract such efforts.
In brief / Factsheet
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Business and human rights
In Brief - Protecting workers from exploitation: boosting inspections
Workers are being severely exploited for their labour across the EU, and
inspections are not effective at stopping this reality. Based on interviews with
almost 240 workers – including non-EU citizens who came to the EU and
EU nationals who moved to another EU country to work – a new FRA report
outlines the problem and identifies ways to bolster inspections.
Report / Paper / Summary
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Out of sight: migrant women exploited in domestic work
The stories of the domestic workers FRA interviewed for this paper reveal appalling working conditions and fundamental rights abuses in private homes across the EU. These stories indicate that, seven years on from FRA’s first report on domestic workers in 2011, little has changed in terms of the risks and experiences of severe labour exploitation domestic workers in the EU face.
Asylum, migration and borders
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Trafficking and labour exploitation
08 November 2016
European Parliament exchanges views with FRA on severe labour exploitation
The Agency’s Director, Michael O’Flaherty, took part in a meeting of the European Parliament Employment Committee on 8 November.
Report / Paper / Summary
Asylum, migration and borders
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Severe labour exploitation: workers moving within or into the European Union - Summary
Worker exploitation is not an isolated or marginal phenomenon. But despite its pervasiveness
in everyday life, severe labour exploitation and its adverse effects on third-country nationals
and EU citizens - as workers, but also as consumers - have to date not received much
attention from researchers. This report identifies risk factors contributing to such exploitation and
discusses means of improving the situation and highlights the challenges EU institutions and
Member States face in making the right of workers who have moved within or into the EU
to decent working conditions a reality.
Asylum, migration and borders
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Trafficking and labour exploitation
02 June 2015
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Severe labour exploitation: workers moving within or into the European Union
Report / Paper / Summary
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Severe labour exploitation: workers moving within or into the European Union
Worker exploitation is not an isolated or marginal phenomenon. But despite its pervasiveness in everyday life, severe labour exploitation and its adverse effects on third-country nationals and EU citizens - as workers, but also as consumers - have to date not received much attention from researchers.
Report / Paper / Summary
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Asylum, migration and borders
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Migrants in an irregular situation employed in domestic work: Fundamental rights challenges for the European Union and its Member States
This report is the result of a project by the FRA on the situation of migrants in an irregular situation in the EU. It is the first of two thematic reports which complements a forthcoming comprehensive overview of the fundamental rights situation of migrants in an irregular situation in the EU's 27 Member States.
Report / Paper / Summary
Child protection
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Child Trafficking in the EU - Challenges, perspectives and good practices
Trafficking in human beings is a major problem both in the EU and worldwide. Every year a substantial number of children fall victim to trafficking for sexual exploitation or other purposes. There are extremely low numbers of convictions in child trafficking cases. Overall, the report finds that the EU must do more to address the issue. The FRA calls for better legislation to combat child trafficking. The protection and care for victims, in particular, must be improved.