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Justicia, derechos de las víctimas y cooperación judicial
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Igualdad, no discriminación y racismo
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Elaboración ilícita de perfiles
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la UE
Sistemas intergubernamentales de derechos humanos
Sistemas y órganos nacionales de derechos humanos
Sociedad civil
La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea
¿Cuáles son los derechos fundamentales?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Título I: Dignidad
1 - Dignidad humana
2 - Derecho a la vida
3 - Derecho a la integridad de la persona
4 - Prohibición de la tortura y de las penas o los tratos inhumanos o degradantes
5 - Prohibición de la esclavitud y del trabajo forzado
Título II: Libertades
6 - Derecho a la libertad y a la seguridad
7 - Respeto de la vida privada y familiar
8 - Protección de datos de carácter personal
9 - Derecho a contraer matrimonio y derecho a fundar una familia
10 - Libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de religión
11 - Libertad de expresión y de información
12 - Libertad de reunión y de asociación
13 - Libertad de las artes y de las ciencias
14 - Derecho a la educación
15 - Libertad profesional y derecho a trabajar
16 - Libertad de empresa
17 - Derecho a la propiedad
18 - Derecho de asilo
19 - Protección en caso de devolución, expulsión y extradición
Título III: Igualdad
20 - Igualdad ante la ley
21 - No discriminación
22 - Diversidad cultural, religiosa y lingüística
23 - Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres
24 - Derechos del niño
25 - Derechos de las personas mayores
26 - Integración de las personas discapacitadas
Título IV: Solidaridad
27 - Derecho a la información y consulta de los trabajadores en la empresa
28 - Derecho de negociación y de acción colectiva
29 - Derecho de acceso a los servicios de colocación
30 - Protección en caso de despido injustificado
31 - Condiciones de trabajo justas y equitativas
32 - Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
32 - Prohibición del trabajo infantil y protección de los jóvenes en el trabajo
33 - Vida familiar y vida profesional
34 - Seguridad social y ayuda social
35 - Protección de la salud
36 - Acceso a los servicios de interés económico general
37 - Protección del medio ambiente
Título V: Ciudadanía
38 - Protección de los consumidores
39 - Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo
40 - Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones municipales
41 - Derecho a una buena administración
42 - Derecho de acceso a los documentos
43 - El defensor del pueblo europeo
44 - Derecho de petición
45 - Libertad de circulación y de residencia
Título VI: Justicia
46 - Protección diplomática y consular
47 - Derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y a un juez imparcial
48 - Presunción de inocencia y derechos de la defensa
49 - Principios de legalidad y de proporcionalidad de los delitos y las penas
Título VII: Disposiciones generales
50 - Derecho a no ser juzgado o condenado penalmente dos veces por la misma infracción
51 - Ámbito de aplicación
52 - Alcance e interpretación de los derechos y principios
53 - Nivel de protección
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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EU CRPD Framework
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El Consejo de Europa
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Instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos, organismos de igualdad e instituciones del Defensor del Pueblo
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Press packs
EU LGBTIQ survey - Press pack
Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism
EU LGBT Press pack
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children
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Work on rights
Work on rights
Justicia, derechos de las víctimas y cooperación judicial
Derechos de las víctimas
Derechos de los acusados
Justicia civil
Cooperación judicial y Estado de Derecho
Empresas y derechos humanos
Igualdad, no discriminación y racismo
Niños, niñas, jóvenes y personas mayores
Personas con discapacidad
Delito de odio
Origen racial y étnico
Religión y creencia
Personas romanís
Sexo, orientación sexual y género
Asilo, migración y fronteras
Acceso al asilo
Fronteras y sistemas de información
Protección de la infancia
Migración irregular, retorno e internamiento de inmigrantes
Migración legal e integración
Trata y explotación laboral
Protección de datos, privacidad y nuevas tecnologías
Inteligencia artificial y macrodatos
Fronteras y sistemas de información
Protección de datos
Elaboración ilícita de perfiles
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la UE
Sistemas intergubernamentales de derechos humanos
Sistemas y órganos nacionales de derechos humanos
Sociedad civil
La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea
La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea
¿Cuáles son los derechos fundamentales?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Título I: Dignidad
1 -
Dignidad humana
2 -
Derecho a la vida
3 -
Derecho a la integridad de la persona
4 -
Prohibición de la tortura y de las penas o los tratos inhumanos o degradantes
5 -
Prohibición de la esclavitud y del trabajo forzado
Título II: Libertades
6 -
Derecho a la libertad y a la seguridad
7 -
Respeto de la vida privada y familiar
8 -
Protección de datos de carácter personal
9 -
Derecho a contraer matrimonio y derecho a fundar una familia
10 -
Libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de religión
11 -
Libertad de expresión y de información
12 -
Libertad de reunión y de asociación
13 -
Libertad de las artes y de las ciencias
14 -
Derecho a la educación
15 -
Libertad profesional y derecho a trabajar
16 -
Libertad de empresa
17 -
Derecho a la propiedad
18 -
Derecho de asilo
19 -
Protección en caso de devolución, expulsión y extradición
Título III: Igualdad
20 -
Igualdad ante la ley
21 -
No discriminación
22 -
Diversidad cultural, religiosa y lingüística
23 -
Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres
24 -
Derechos del niño
25 -
Derechos de las personas mayores
26 -
Integración de las personas discapacitadas
Título IV: Solidaridad
27 -
Derecho a la información y consulta de los trabajadores en la empresa
28 -
Derecho de negociación y de acción colectiva
29 -
Derecho de acceso a los servicios de colocación
30 -
Protección en caso de despido injustificado
31 -
Condiciones de trabajo justas y equitativas
32 -
Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
32 -
Prohibición del trabajo infantil y protección de los jóvenes en el trabajo
33 -
Vida familiar y vida profesional
34 -
Seguridad social y ayuda social
35 -
Protección de la salud
36 -
Acceso a los servicios de interés económico general
37 -
Protección del medio ambiente
Título V: Ciudadanía
38 -
Protección de los consumidores
39 -
Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo
40 -
Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones municipales
41 -
Derecho a una buena administración
42 -
Derecho de acceso a los documentos
43 -
El defensor del pueblo europeo
44 -
Derecho de petición
45 -
Libertad de circulación y de residencia
Título VI: Justicia
46 -
Protección diplomática y consular
47 -
Derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva y a un juez imparcial
48 -
Presunción de inocencia y derechos de la defensa
49 -
Principios de legalidad y de proporcionalidad de los delitos y las penas
Título VII: Disposiciones generales
50 -
Derecho a no ser juzgado o condenado penalmente dos veces por la misma infracción
51 -
Ámbito de aplicación
52 -
Alcance e interpretación de los derechos y principios
53 -
Nivel de protección
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Work on rights
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la UE
Sistemas intergubernamentales de derechos humanos
Sistemas y órganos nacionales de derechos humanos
Sociedad civil
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Título VII: Disposiciones generales
Artículo 51 - Ámbito de aplicación
Report / Paper / Summary
EU funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights
All EU funds must be spent in a way that respect fundamental rights. The EU spends billions of euros on creating jobs, economic growth, sustainable development and improving people’s lives. To prevent funds from being spent in ways that directly violate people’s fundamental rights, the EU strengthened the conditions how funds can be spent in 2021. This report looks at how the newly introduced conditions related to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be upheld in practice. It analyses the potential role of national human rights institutions, ombudsperson institutions and equality bodies. These safeguards can advance compliance with fundamental rights.
Periodic updates / Series
NHRI accreditation status and mandates - update 2024
The 2024 update on NHRIs accreditation status and mandates also covers their engagement in the monitoring of fundamental rights compliance in the use of EU funds at national level. Moreover, the update also shows how NHRIs make use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in their work when advising government or in education, training and awareness raising activities. Since its 2020 report 'Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities', the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has been regularly tracking the accreditation status and mandates of NHRIs.
Periodic updates / Series
Protecting civil society – Update 2023
Civil society organisations struggle to maintain an environment safe from threats and attacks. FRA’s sixth annual update on civic space explores the challenges for organisations across the EU. While there has been significant development since FRA began monitoring the situation in 2018, civil society organisations remain under immense pressure. Abusive lawsuits and attacks against those involved in migrant search and rescue at sea are just some of the challenges identified. This report presents ways forward to protect civil society and human rights.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Human rights cities in the EU: a framework for reinforcing rights locally
This report proposes a framework for becoming, and functioning as, a ‘human rights city’ in the EU. It includes ‘foundations’, ‘structures’ and ‘tools’ for mayors, local administrations and grassroots organisations to reinforce fundamental rights locally. It is based on existing good practice and expert input by representatives of human rights cities in the EU, academic experts, international organisations and city networks.
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Support for human rights systems and defenders
23 February 2021
Event recording - Second Fundamental Rights Dialogue
On 23 February 2021, FRA’s Director, Michael O’Flaherty, listened to fundamental rights concerns and discussed ways to solve them. The second Fundamental Rights Dialogue invited young people to participate in shaping our societies, placing human rights centre stage.
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
01 February 2021
Highlights video - First Fundamental Rights Dialogue
On 13 November, the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) hosted its first Fundamental Rights Dialogue - a virtual event that gave young people an opportunity to voice their fundamental rights concerns and discussed ways to solve them with FRA's Director Michael O'Flaherty.
More information on the event
Support for human rights systems and defenders
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
23 December 2020
Reinforcing the EU Charter - key statements of panellists
Key statements from the FRA/Euractiv online event Reinforcing the EU Charter: rights of people in the EU in the next decade, 7 December 2020.
Watch event full recording
Event information
Report / Paper / Summary
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
¿Qué significan los derechos fundamentales para los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea? Resumen - Encuesta Sobre Los Derechos Fundamentales
Este resumen presenta las principales percepciones
del primer informe de la Agencia de los Derechos
Fundamentales de la Unión Europea (FRA) basado
en su encuesta sobre los derechos fundamentales.
La encuesta recabó datos de unas 35 000 personas
sobre sus experiencias, percepciones y opiniones
en relación con una serie de cuestiones
relacionadas, de diversas maneras, con los
derechos humanos.
Support for human rights systems and defenders
10 December 2020
Stand up for everyone's human rights
This year, the COVID-19 pandemic leaves a lasting mark on society worldwide. It affected everyone but some people more than others. As we look ahead, on Human Rights Day, on 10 December, we need to make the new normal a better normal. In his video message, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty underlines the need to stand up for human rights to make 2021 a better year. This means ensuring we respect and take into account everybody's human rights.
Periodic updates / Series
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Coronavirus pandemic in the EU - Fundamental Rights Implications - Bulletin 6
This report outlines some of the measures EU Member States have put in place to protect public health as Europe faces the ‘second wave’ of the Coronavirus pandemic. It highlights how these may affect fundamental rights, especially social rights.
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Support for human rights systems and defenders
20 November 2020
Video statement by Michael O’Flaherty for the 2020 General conference of the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR)
This video statement by FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty was recorded for the 2020 General conference of the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR): “CommunicAction – A common front to protect human rights at the local level”.
Support for human rights systems and defenders
National human rights systems and bodies
Inter-governmental human rights systems
15 October 2020
Virtual key note address by FRA Director to the 2020 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform
This video statement by FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty was recorded for the Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform: ''Connectivity between regional and global human rights mechanisms".
Find out more about the event
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Inter-governmental human rights systems
17 September 2020
FRA Director on the 70th anniversary of the ECHR
This video statement by FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty was recorded for the e-conference "70 years of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: challenges and prospects".
Report / Paper / Summary
National human rights systems and bodies
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Summary version now available
21 January 2021
Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are a vital part of the country-level human rights protection system. This report, published 10 years after FRA’s first in-depth study on NHRIs, looks at such bodies in the EU, as well as the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It explores relevant developments, challenges to their effectiveness and ways to maximise their impact.
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Support for human rights systems and defenders
06 August 2020
EEA and Norway Grants
The Agency cooperates with the EEA and Norway Grants as a strategic partner in the protection, promotion and fulfillment of fundamental rights.
The cooperation aims to support the design and implementation of EEA and Norway Grants funded programmes and projects in selected EU Member States. It also aims to raise awareness on fundamental rights, combating social exclusion and discrimination, and supporting related civil society initiatives.
TheVisualsYouNeed ©, 2020
Periodic updates / Series
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Asylum, migration and borders
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Coronavirus pandemic in the EU - Fundamental Rights Implications - Bulletin 4
As we enter the second half of 2020, the constraints on our daily lives brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic have become a firm reality. New local lockdowns and the reintroduction of restrictive measures prompted by fresh outbreaks of the virus are a stark reminder that COVID-19 continues to shape our lives – and our enjoyment of fundamental rights – in profound ways. There is compelling evidence of how the pandemic has exacerbated existing challenges in our societies. This FRA Bulletin outlines some of the measures EU Member States adopted to safely reopen their societies and economies while continuing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. It highlights the impact these measures may have on civil, political and socioeconomic rights.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Civil society
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Civic space – experiences of organisations in 2019
This paper presents key findings from FRA’s second consultation of its Fundamental Rights Platform, focusing on the experiences of civil society organisations (CSOs) working on human rights. FRA started an annual consultation with organisations participating in its platform in 2018.
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More on the Fundamental Rights Platform
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Support for human rights systems and defenders
22 July 2020
The Fundamental Rights Survey
This video was produced for the launch of the Fundamental Rights Survey in June 2020 and gives an overview of the main results.
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Judicial cooperation and rule of law
National human rights systems and bodies
Civil society
Support for human rights systems and defenders
15 July 2020
Video blog Michael O'Flaherty: July bulletin on COVID-19
Michael O'Flaherty introduces the July edition of FRA's bulletin on the impact for fundamental rights of Covid-19. In this vlog he talks about the important role that people play who are engaged with the promotion and the protection of human rights in these times.
The July edition of the COVID-19 bulletin will be available from 30 July.
Download COVID-19 bulletins
Access all FRA work on COVID-19
Report / Paper / Summary
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Summary version now available
07 December 2020
What do fundamental rights mean for people in the EU? - Fundamental Rights Survey
FRA’s Fundamental Rights Survey collected data from 35,000 people about their experiences, perceptions and opinions on a range of issues that are variously encompassed by human rights. This report presents a small selection of the survey results. It focuses on findings with respect to respondents’ opinions about human – or fundamental rights; their views and perceptions on the functioning of democratic societies – as a pillar on which human rights can flourish; and on their thoughts on and engagement with public services that have a duty to enforce human rights law and to protect people’s rights.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Borders and information systems
Asylum, migration and borders
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Civil society
June 2020 update - NGO ships involved in search and rescue in the Mediterranean and legal proceedings against them
In 2019, the International Organization for Migration estimated that 1,866 people have died or gone missing while crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe to escape war or persecution or to pursue a better life. This is an average of five people per day. In recent years, a significant proportion of migrants in distress at sea have been rescued by civil society vessels deployed with a humanitarian mandate to reduce fatalities and bring rescued migrants to safety. Since 2018, however, authorities in some EU Member States started viewing civil society-deployed rescue vessels with hostility. As a reaction, national authorities initiated about 40 administrative and criminal proceedings against crew members or vessels, including seizing the latter. In some cases, rescue vessels were blocked in harbours due to flag issues or the inability to meet technical requirements.
Support for human rights systems and defenders
18 June 2020
Video blog Michael O'Flaherty: Fundamental Rights Survey
In his latest vlog Michael O'Flaherty introduces FRA's survey of 35,000 people on attitudes to human and fundamental rights.
Fundamental Rights Report
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Ten years on: unlocking the Charter’s full potential
This focus takes a closer look at the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which has been legally binding for 10 years. At EU level, it has gained visibility and sparked a new fundamental rights culture. At national level, awareness and use of the Charter are limited. Courts increasingly use the Charter, showing the impact of this modern instrument. But its use by governments and parliaments remains low. For instance, there is little indication of anyone regularly scrutinising national legislation that transposes EU law for compatibility with the Charter.
Fundamental Rights Report
Igualdad, no discriminación y racismo
Asilo, migración y fronteras
Protección de datos, privacidad y nuevas tecnologías
Justicia, derechos de las víctimas y cooperación judicial
Apoyo a los regímenes y a las personas que defienden los derechos humanos
Informe sobre los derechos fundamentales 2020: dictámenes de la FRA
En el año 2019 se produjeron tanto avances como
retrocesos en materia de protección de los derechos
fundamentales. El Informe sobre los derechos
fundamentales 2020 de la Agencia de los Derechos
Fundamentales de la Unión Europea (FRA) analiza
los principales acontecimientos en este ámbito,
destacando tanto los progresos realizados como
las dificultades que todavía persisten. La publicación
presenta los dictámenes de la FRA sobre los
principales avances realizados en los ámbitos
temáticos contemplados, así como un resumen
de las pruebas que respaldan tales dictámenes.
Esto permite disponer de una visión de conjunto,
compacta, pero muy ilustrativa, de los principales
desafíos en materia de derechos fundamentales
a los que se enfrentan la UE y sus Estados miembros.
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