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The aim of the study was to produce a systematic overview of equality data collected in large-scale, representative, longitudinal surveys in Germany. The underlying rationale is that both political reporting and research on discrimination require data to measure the prevalence and evolution of discrimination on grounds of the protected characteristics set out in Germany’s General Equal Treatment Act.
Therefore, there was a need to assess to what extent these requirements can be met with existing data or have to be complemented and refined. In addition to identifying data gaps and making suggestions on how to expand the variables surveyed, the study detected available data which so far had not been conceptualised as equality data but which can also be used to analyse equality issues.
A further source of inspiration to conduct this study were the recommendations concerning the collection of equality data contained in the European Handbook on Equality Data.
The study was commissioned by the Federal Antidiscrimination Agency (FADA) and conducted by three researchers, Dr Anne-Luise Baumann, Vera Egenberger and Dr Linda Supik. It analysed 20 large-scale, representative, longitudinal surveys in Germany, including the micro-census, the socio-economic panel and different surveys related to education, work, living conditions and health, in connection with the grounds of discrimination in Germany’s General Equal Treatment Act: gender, ethnic origin or racist discrimination, religion or belief, disability, age and sexual identity.
In October 2018, FADA published the report and hosted a conference to present and discuss with relevant stakeholders (research institutes, civil society organisations, public administrations) the analysis.
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency / Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
Rainer Stocker
Email: rainer (dot) stocker (at) ads (dot) bund (dot) de