Drepturile cetățenilor
Articolul 43 - Ombudsmanul European
Orice cetățean al Uniunii, precum și orice persoană fizică sau juridică care are reședința sau sediul social într-un stat membru au dreptul de a sesiza Ombudsmanul European cu privire la cazurile de administrare defectuoasă în activitatea instituțiilor, organelor, oficiilor sau agențiilor Uniunii, cu excepția Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene în exercitarea funcției sale jurisdicționale.
Dreptul garantat de acest articol este dreptul garantat la articolele 20 şi 228 din Tratatul privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene. În conformitate cu articolul 52 alineatul (2), acesta se aplică în condiţiile prevăzute la cele două articole menţionate anterior.
Artikel 78a 1 De Nationale ombudsman verricht op verzoek of uit eigen beweging onderzoek naar gedragingen van bestuursorganen van het Rijk en van andere bij of krachtens de wet aangewezen bestuursorganen. 2 De Nationale ombudsman en een substituut-ombudsman worden voor een bij de wet te bepalen termijn benoemd door de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. Op eigen verzoek en wegens het bereiken van een bij de wet te bepalen leeftijd worden zij ontslagen. In de gevallen bij de wet aangewezen kunnen zij door de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal worden geschorst of ontslagen. De wet regelt overigens hun rechtspositie. 3 De wet regelt de bevoegdheid en werkwijze van de Nationale ombudsman. 4 Bij of krachtens de wet kunnen aan de Nationale ombudsman ook andere taken worden opgedragen.
Article 151a (1) The Public Defender of Rights is an independent body of the Slovak Republic which, within the scope and as laid down by law, protects basic rights and freedoms of natural and legal persons in proceedings before public administration bodies and other bodies of public authority, if their conduct, decision-making, or inaction, is in conflict with the legal order. In cases laid down by law, the Public Defender of Rights may participate in holding the persons working in the public administration bodies accountable, if those persons violated a basic human right or freedom of natural or legal persons. All bodies of public authority shall give the Public Defender of Rights necessary assistance.(...)
Čl. 151a (1) Verejný ochranca práv je nezávislý orgán Slovenskej republiky, ktorý v rozsahu a spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom chráni základné práva a slobody fyzických osôb a právnických osôb v konaní pred orgánmi verejnej správy a ďalšími orgánmi verejnej moci, ak je ich konanie, rozhodovanie alebo nečinnosť v rozpore s právnym poriadkom. V zákonom ustanovených prípadoch sa verejný ochranca práv môže podieľať na uplatnení zodpovednosti osôb pôsobiacich v orgánoch verejnej moci, ak tieto osoby porušili základné právo alebo slobodu fyzických osôb a právnických osôb. Všetky orgány verejnej moci poskytnú verejnému ochrancovi práv potrebnú súčinnosť.(...)
Article 73. Complaints of citizens about the abuse of authority or bureaucratic intransigence by state and municipal officials (with the exception of judges) shall be examined by the Seimas Ombudsmen, who shall have the right to submit a proposal before a court for dismissing the guilty officials from office. The powers of the Seimas Ombudsmen shall be established by law. The Seimas shall also establish, when necessary, other institutions of control. Their system and powers shall be established by law.
73 straipsnis. Piliečių skundus dėl valstybės ir savivaldybių pareigūnų (išskyrus teisėjus) piktnaudžiavimo ar biurokratizmo tiria Seimo kontrolieriai. Jie turi teisę siūlyti teismui kaltus pareigūnus atleisti iš užimamų pareigų. Seimo kontrolierių įgaliojimus nustato įstatymas. Prireikus Seimas steigia ir kitas kontrolės institucijas. Jų sistemą ir įgaliojimus nustato įstatymas.
§ 55. Ved lov bestemmes, at folketinget vælger en eller to personer, der ikke er medlemmer af folketinget, til at have indseende med statens civile og militære forvaltning.
Section 55. Statutory provision shall be made for the appointment by the Folketing of one or two persons, who shall not be members of the Folketing, to supervise the civil and military administration of the State.
Article 146 Citizens of the Republic of Croatia shall be European Union citizens and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire, and in particular: (...) – the right to submit petitions to the European Parliament, complaints to the European Ombudsman and the right to apply to European Union institutions and advisory bodies in the Croatian language, as well as in all the other official languages of the European Union, and to receive a reply in the same language.
All rights shall be exercised in compliance with the conditions and limitations laid down in the founding treaties of the European Union and the measures undertaken pursuant to such treaties. In the Republic of Croatia, all rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire shall be enjoyed by all citizens of the European Union.
Članak 146. Državljani Republike Hrvatske su građani Europske unije i uživaju prava koja im jamči pravna stečevina Europske unije, a osobito: (...) – pravo podnošenja peticija Europskom parlamentu, predstavki Europskom ombudsmanu te pravo obraćanja institucijama i savjetodavnim tijelima Europske unije na hrvatskom jeziku, kao i na svim službenim jezicima Europske unije, te pravo dobiti odgovor na istom jeziku.
Sva prava ostvaruju se u skladu s uvjetima i ograničenjima propisanima ugovorima na kojima se temelji Europska unija te mjerama prihvaćenima na temelju tih ugovora. U Republici Hrvatskoj sva prava zajamčena pravnom stečevinom Europske unije uživaju svi građani Europske unije.
Art. 91a. (new, SG 27/06) (1) The National Assembly shall elect an Ombudsman, who shall defend the rights and freedoms of the citizens. (2) The powers and activities of the Ombudsman shall be regulated by a law.
Чл. 91а. (Нов - ДВ, бр. 27 от 2006 г.) (1) Народното събрание избира омбудсман, който се застъпва за правата и свободите на гражданите. (2) Правомощията и дейността на омбудсмана се уреждат със закон.
Artikel 148a (1) Jedermann kann sich bei der Volksanwaltschaft wegen behaupteter Missstände in der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten, insbesondere wegen einer behaupteten Verletzung in Menschenrechten, beschweren, sofern er von diesen Missständen betroffen ist und soweit ihm ein Rechtsmittel nicht oder nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Jede solche Beschwerde ist von der Volksanwaltschaft zu prüfen. Dem Beschwerdeführer sind das Ergebnis der Prüfung sowie die allenfalls getroffenen Veranlassungen mitzuteilen.
Artivle 148a (1) Everyone can lodge complaint with the Ombudsman Board (Commission for Complaints from the Public) against alleged maladministration by the Federation, including its activity as a holder of private rights, in particular for alleged violation of human rights, provided that they are affected by such maladministration and in so far as they do not or no longer have recourse to legal remedy. All such complaints must be investigated by the Ombudsman Board. The complainant shall be informed of the investigation’s outcome and what action, if necessary, has been taken.
Rule 219 - Election of the Ombudsman ‘1. At the start of each parliamentary term, immediately after his election or in the cases referred to in paragraph 8, the President shall call for nominations for the office of Ombudsman and set a time-limit for their submission. A notice calling for nominations shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. 2. Nominations must have the support of at least 40 Members who are nationals of at least two Member States. Each Member may support only one nomination. Nominations shall include all the supporting documents needed to show conclusively that the nominee fulfils the conditions required by the Regulations on the Ombudsman. 3. Nominations shall be forwarded to the committee responsible, which may ask to hear the nominees. Such hearings shall be open to all Members. 4. A list of admissible nominations in alphabetical order shall then be submitted to the vote of Parliament. 5. The vote shall be held by secret ballot on the basis of a majority of the votes cast. If no candidate is elected after the first two ballots, only the two candidates obtaining the largest number of votes in the second ballot may continue to stand. In the event of any tie the oldest candidate shall be appointed. 6. Before opening the vote, the President shall ensure that at least half of Parliament's component Members are present. 7. The person elected shall immediately be called upon to take an oath before the Court of Justice. 8. The Ombudsman shall exercise his duties until his successor takes office, except in the case of his death or dismissal.‘ Rule 220 - Activities of the Ombudsman ‘1. The decision on the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman's duties and the provisions implementing that decision as adopted by the Ombudsman are annexed to these Rules of Procedure25 for information. 2. The Ombudsman shall, in accordance with Article 3(6) and (7) of the abovementioned decision, inform Parliament of cases of maladministration, on which the committee responsible may draw up a report. The Ombudsman shall also, in accordance with Article 3(8) of that decision, submit a report to Parliament at the end of each annual session on the outcome of his inquiries. The committee responsible shall draw up a report thereon which shall be submitted to Parliament for debate. 3. The Ombudsman may also provide the committee responsible with information at its request, or be heard by it on his own initiative.‘ Rule 221 - Dismissal of the Ombudsman ‘1. One tenth of Parliament's component Members may request the Ombudsman's dismissal if he no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties or is guilty of serious misconduct. 2. The request shall be forwarded to the Ombudsman and to the committee responsible, which, if it decides by a majority of its members that the reasons are well founded, shall submit a report to Parliament. If he so requests, the Ombudsman shall be heard before the report is put to the vote. Parliament shall, following a debate, take a decision by secret ballot. 3. Before opening the vote, the President shall ensure that half of Parliament's component Members are present. 4. If the vote is in favour of the Ombudsman's dismissal and he does not resign accordingly the President shall, at the latest by the part-session following that at which the vote was held, apply to the Court of Justice to have the Ombudsman dismissed with a request for a ruling to be given without delay. Resignation by the Ombudsman shall terminate the procedure.‘
‘4. The Assembly calls on the member States of the Council of Europe which have set up ombudsman institutions to: 4.1. ensure that such institutions fulfil the criteria stemming from its Recommendation 1615 (2003), the Committee of Ministers’ relevant recommendations and the Venice Commission’s work on the ombudsman, in particular as regards: 4.1.1. the independence and impartiality of these institutions, whose existence shall be enshrined in law and, if possible, in the constitution; 4.1.2. the appointment procedure: the ombudsman shall be appointed by parliament and report to it; 4.1.3. their remit, which should cover reviewing cases of maladministration by all bodies of the executive branch as well as the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; 4.1.4. their access to documents and investigative powers as well as unrestricted access to all detention facilities; 4.1.5. their access to the Constitutional Court in order to challenge the constitutionality of flawed legislation; 4.1.6. direct access to the ombudsman for all persons, including legal persons, concerned by maladministration cases, irrespective of their nationality; 4.2. review, if need be, their legislation, in light of international and European standards on ombudsman institutions; 4.3. refrain from multiplying ombudsman-type institutions, if it is not strictly necessary for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; a proliferation of such bodies could confuse individuals’ understanding of means of redress available to them; 4.4. strengthen the ombudsman institutions’ visibility, especially in the media, and promote an “ombudsman-friendly” climate, in particular by guaranteeing easy and unhindered access to the ombudsman institution(s) and providing appropriate information/documentation in this respect, especially where the ombudsman institution does not yet have a long-standing tradition; provide ombudsman institutions with sufficient financial and human resources, enabling them to effectively carry out their tasks, and, if need be, taking into account the new functions assigned to them on the basis of international and/or European law; 4.5. consider seeking ombudspersons’ accreditation at the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) in light of the “Paris Principles”.‘