Annual overview of EU policy of Estonia

Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister
Published in
Estonia, Riigikogu
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The Prime Minister mentioned the anniversary of the Charter in his speech to the Parliament regarding Estonia’s EU policies.
Quote: “Kaugelt vaadates paistab Euroopa endiselt kui vabaduste oaas. Äsja sai koos Lissaboni leppega kümneaastaseks maailmas ilmselt kõige nüüdisaegsem inimõigusleping, Euroopa Liidu põhiõiguste harta. Selle esimene lause ütleb: "Euroopa rahvad on üha tihedamat omavahelist liitu luues otsustanud jagada rahulikku, ühistele väärtustele rajatud tulevikku." Põhiõiguste harta esimene artikkel sätestab inimväärikuse puutumatuse, austamise ja kaitse, sest ilma selleta ei ole rahu, ei ole vabadusi, ei ole ka Euroopat, nagu me teda tunneme.”
Translate quote: “Looking from afar, Europe continues to look like an oasis of freedoms. Not long ago, probably the most modern human rights treaty in the world, the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, turned 10 years old together with the Lisbon Treaty. Its first sentence states: “The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values.” The first Article of the Charter of Fundamental Rights legislates the inviolability, respect and protection of human dignity, without which there is no peace, there are no freedoms, and there is no Europe as we know it.”