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The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is honoured to chair the EU Justice & Home Affairs Agencies Network (JHAAN) this year. Together, the JHAAN Agencies work tirelessly on promoting rights, freedom, security and justice across the EU.
FRA held an information session for National Liaison Officers on the Agency’s draft Single Programming Document. The presentation included information on the Agency’s programming and planning process.
FRA provided fundamental rights input during a roundtable discussion on the forthcoming revision of EU legislation on returns. FRA drew from its 2019 legal opinion.
FRA highlighted key findings from its work related to fundamental rights impact assessments under the EU AI Act during a workshop in Berlin.
Challenges, promising practices and lessons learnt in mainstreaming human rights into programmes and project lifecycles was the focus of an expert meeting on 30 January. They also discussed future directions in mainstreaming human rights and the human rights-based approach locally, while addressing global challenges and the need for innovation.
FRA held an online information session on 29 January for public authorities on the findings of its paper on ‘Stepping up the response to victims of crime: FRA’s findings on challenges and solutions’.
FRA has launched its annual Stakeholder Feedback Survey for 2024, and we want to hear from you!
A FRA online information tool aims at raising awareness of the fundamental rights implications of the EU large scale IT systems for migration and policing. It informs non-EU nationals, their lawyers and civil society organisations about how the systems function and how affected individuals can claim their rights.
Aktuelle Nachricht
FRA’s survey report on the experiences of displaced people in the EU fleeing Ukraine is now available online in the languages of the countries covered in the survey.
Beim europäischen Grünen Deal handelt es sich um die wichtigste Strategie der EU zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels. Damit soll ein grüner Wandel vollzogen werden, der niemanden zurücklässt. Eine neue Veröffentlichung der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) zeigt, dass der Ansatz zur Bewältigung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Grundrechte stark fragmentiert ist. In dem Dokument wird argumentiert, dass die systematische Anwendung der Grundrechtestandards und -verpflichtungen im Rahmen der EU-Klimapolitik einen gerechten und inklusiven Übergang fördern könnte.