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FRA took part in three meetings on setting up the European Travel Information and Authorisation System, ETIAS. The meetings took place from 1 to 3 October in Warsaw.
Climate experts and child rights experts across Europe, NGOs, practitioners, academics, and children gathered for a meeting of European the Network of Child-friendly Justice. They discussed the diverse situations and challenges children encounter due to the impact of climate change while seeking access to justice and legal remedies.
FRA presented to Polish stakeholders key aspects of the nine building blocks of its new guidance on independent monitoring mechanisms under the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The FRA guidance is based on and gives effect to the EU Screening Regulation which obliges Member States to set up such independent national mechanisms by mid-2026.
The European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection held a hearing on the draft directive for harmonised transparency of interest rules carried out on behalf of non-EU countries. Professor Emilia Korkea-Aho, the author of a study contracted by the Parliaments Policy Department presented her main findings.
FRA joined the second meeting of the Biometrics Cluster of the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security. The cluster is composed of various EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies, including FRA, and representatives of the European Commission.
FRA presented its work during two international antiracism conferences in Germany.
FRA contributed to an event organised by the Brussels office of the UN’s human rights office on better protecting environmental human rights defenders. The meeting looked into the situation of defenders in the wider Europe region.
FRA contributed to a two-day expert meeting on the implementation of EU equality law. FRA was there alongside the European Gender Equality Institute (EIGE) and the European Network of Equality Bodies (EQUINET), as an observer.
FRA took part in an event preceding the regular Conference of Parties on climate change that will later take place in Baku on 11-22 November. It brought together businesses and representatives of international organisations.
FRA presented its work on antiracism and anti-Muslim hatred to the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens' Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP).