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Mid-level officers of the Bulgarian border police took part in three consecutive workshops on fundamental rights. FRA, together with Frontex Fundamental Rights Office (FRO) and the Bulgarian Office of the UN’s Refugee Agency ran the workshops.
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On 11 April, FRA Director Sirpa Rautio welcomed the OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media Teresa Ribeiro to FRA. During their discussion, they exchanged views on the challenges that human rights defenders and journalists face today.
On 20 March, FRA presented its report on online content moderation to the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee. It was part of a debate on progress in implementing the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA).
FRA presented its work on artificial intelligence and fundamental rights, including findings from its report on Bias in algorithms, at an online CEPOL workshop on AI.
FRA released its practical guidance for Human Rights Cities in 14 additional EU languages. The guidance provides hands-on support and advice to cities and other forms of local authorities wishing to improve their efforts to respect, protect and promote human rights.
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On 14 March, FRA introduced its research on the experience of Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) when enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at the European Data Protection Board’s plenary meeting.
FRA joined the 10th plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI).
FRA took part in the European Cancer Organisation’s civil society workshop on social cancer inequalities. FRA presented its work drawing from its LGBTIQ survey.
On 14 March, the European Economic and Social Committee's Permanent group on the Inclusion of Roma held a public hearing on ensuring political participation of Roma at the local, national and European level. It sought to identify obstacles, solutions and good practices.
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The Fundamental Rights Officer from the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum visited FRA from 13 to 14 March to discuss the methodology for a fundamental rights impact assessment of the closed and controlled access centres on the Greek islands.