The fourth Fundamental Rights Dialogue is co-organised by the Representation of the European Commission in France, the European Parliament, and the City of Paris, as part of the Europe Day 2022.
It invites young people ask questions, and suggest ideas and solutions to pressing human rights issues in a conversation with:
Moderator: Elsa Grangier
On Saturday, 7 May 2022 from 11:00 to 12:30.
In the ‘Debate Dome’ in front of the Town Hall (Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville), in Paris, France.
In French and English, with translation available in both languages. Sign language interpretation will be available in French.
To follow the Dialogue on social media, use #RightsDialogue and #AskFRA.
Recordings from previous dialogues are available online. The outcomes of the Dialogues were featured during the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 in October 2021. This Dialogue will feed into the Forum in 2023.
So, join the Dialogue & have your say about fundamental rights in the EU!