11 May 2012

Conference on autonomy and inclusion for people with disabilities, Copenhagen 2012

FRA Director Morten Kjaerum introduces the conference on autonomy and inclusion for people with disabilities, held in Copenhagen in June 2012.

The FRA is organising a conference on autonomy and inclusion together with the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration, and the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) to be held in Copenhagen on 7-8 June 2012.

This international conference will bring together disability experts from civil society including disabled people's organisations, representatives from national human rights institutions, researchers and policy makers at the EU, national and local level.


Parts of the footage courtesy of:
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (
TV Glad Copenhagen (
European Coalition for Community Living (
ASPAYM-Madrid (

Music: "Such A Fine Young Man" by DoKashiteru, licensed under CC 3.0 BY/NC (