Germany / Federal Court of Justice, First Civil Panel / I ZR 240/12

Stokke GmbH v eBay
Policy area
Information society
Deciding body type
National Court/Tribunal
Deciding body
Federal Court of Justice
Decision date
  • Germany / Federal Court of Justice, First Civil Panel / I ZR 240/12

    Key facts of the case:

    The Stokke GmbH company that is selling baby high chairs filed a law suit before the Hamburg Regional Court (Landgericht Hamburg) against the internet trading platform eBay, claiming that offers by competitors are displayed as hits when eBay visitors use trademark labels registered by the company as search words. In addition, the plaintiff complained that Google users are also mislead by the defendant due to an inappropriate use of Adwords. The Regional Court decided that the defendant was guilty of trademark infringement pursuant to Section 14 (2) No. 1, (5) of the Act on the Protection of Trade Marks and other Symbols (Gesetz über den Schutz von Marken und sonstigen Kennzeichen  - MarkenG). Due to the plaintiff’s action for injunction eBay was ordered to prevent other customers from marketing chairs under trademark labels identical with those registered by the plaintiff. Against this decision eBay appealed. 

    Outcome of the case:

    The court ruled that eBay is obliged to prevent future trademark infringements on its internet trading platform under the responsibilities laid down in the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz – TMG) if it is notified by trademark holders about violations – otherwise it can be held liable (“Störerhaftung”). The decision was justified among others by a consideration of the competing fundamental rights of the plaintiff (right to property and right to an effective remdy), the defendant (freedom to conduct business) and eBay users as affected third party (right to data protection and freedom to conduct business) in the light of ECJ case law.

  • Paragraphs referring to EU Charter

    A different conclusion also cannot be drawn when balancing fundamental rights positions of the plaintiff, the defendant and of the suppliers of products on the internet trading platform.

    On the part of the plaintiff the right to property pursuant to Article 17 of the Charter as well as the right to an effective remedy pursuant to Article 47 of the Charter is affected whereas on the part of the defendant the freedom to conduct a business under Article 16 of the Charter and the principle of proportionality are affected. With regard to the suppliers the fundamental right of the protection of personal data under Article 8 (2 ) S 1 as well as the freedom to conduct a business under Article 16 of the Charter is involved.

    By interpreting EU directives, the national courts are bound to ensure a fair balance of fundamental rights, protected by the Union's legal order, as well as of general principles of Union law (cf. ECJ).


  • Paragraphs referring to EU Charter (original language)

    64) (1) Betroffen sind auf Seiten der Klägerin die Grundrechte aus Art. 17 auf Schutz des Eigentums und aus Art. 47 auf einen wirksamen Rechtsbehelf und auf Seiten der Beklagten das Recht aus Art. 16 der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union auf unternehmerische Freiheit sowie auf Beachtung des Grundsatzes der Verhältnismäßigkeit. Auf Seiten der Anbieter stehen die Grundrechte auf Schutz personenbezogener Daten nach Art. 8 Abs. 2 Satz 1 und auf unternehmerische Freiheit nach Art. 16 der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union in Rede. Dabei haben die Gerichte bei der Auslegung der Richtlinienbestimmungen darauf zu achten, ein angemessenes Gleichgewicht zwischen den verschiedenen, durch die Unionsordnung geschützten Grundrechten und allgemeinen Grundsätzen des Unionsrechts sicherzustellen (vgl. EuGH, Urteil vom 29. Januar 2008 - C-275/06, Slg. 2008, I-271 = GRUR 2008, 241 Rn. 68 - Promusicae; Beschluss vom 19. Februar 2009 - C-557/07, Slg. 2009, I-1227 = GRUR 2009, 579 Rn. 29 - LSG-Gesellschaft; Urteil vom 19. April 2012 - C-461/10, GRUR 2012, 703 Rn. 56 - Bonnier Audio; Urteil vom 13. Mai 2014 - C-131/12, GRUR 2014, 895 Rn. 81 - Google Spain/AEPD). 63 6