
The FRA Director will attend the annual meeting of Heads of EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies in Warsaw on 22 November.
FRA will take part in an international conference under the Slovenian EU Presidency on empowering people with disabilities to fully participate in society by increasing their mobility and accessibility.
FRA will take part in an international conference under the Slovenian EU Presidency on empowering people with disabilities to fully participate in society by increasing their mobility and accessibility.
FRA gave a presentation at the annual conference of the ‘Migration Law Network’, the largest professional hub of German-speaking migration lawyers and academics.
The Handbook on European data protection law is designed to familiarise legal practitioners not specialised in data protection with this emerging area of law.
FRA participated in the eu-LISA Annual Conference 2021, ‘Towards a Digital Schengen Area,’ on 27 October.
A group of human rights defenders from across the EU visited FRA on 11 November.
FRA held four guardianship training sessions between 9 and 18 November.
FRA took part in an international conference under the Slovenian EU Presidency on ‘Human Rights for All Ages: Promoting a Life Course Perspective and Intergenerational Cooperation to Combat Ageism’.
Between 8 and 9 November, the FRA Director visited Malta.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is deeply concerned about the worsening situation at the EU external borders with Belarus.
FRA took part in an international conference under the Slovenian EU Presidency on ‘Human Rights for All Ages: Promoting a Life Course Perspective and Intergenerational Cooperation to Combat Ageism’.
Terrorismus stellt eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für das Leben und die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung dar und gefährdet die staatliche Sicherheit. Gleichzeitig können Gesetze und politische Maßnahmen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung direkt oder indirekt schwerwiegende Einschränkungen der Grundrechte und -freiheiten mit sich bringen, wie ein neuer Bericht der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) zeigt. Der Bericht beruht auf Facherkenntissen und enthält Vorschläge, wie die Terrorismusbekämpfung durch größere rechtliche Klarheit, praktische Leitlinien und stärkere Sicherheitsvorkehrungen verbessert werden könnte.
FRA’s Director will visit the United Nations in Geneva on 18 November.
From 18 to 19 November, the Roma Working Party will take place online. It will bring together National Roma Contact Points from EU Member States and observer countries.
As part of its work on civic space, FRA consults annually civil society organisations from across the EU about their experiences.
FRA will give a presentation on the challenges of implementing procedural law from the perspective of safeguards and guarantees during a cybercrime legislation workshop at this year’s Octopus Conference.
On 16 November, FRA and the European Committee of the Regions’ Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional & External Affairs (CIVEX) will hold their Annual Dialogue on fundamental rights.
FRA will join a panel discussion at the high-level conference on Balancing fundamental rights in data protection on 16 November.
FRA will join the 2021 World Congress on Justice with Children.