
FRA will present findings on facial recognition technology from its recent paper on fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement.
„Die Migration wird nicht aufhören – sie wird uns weiter beschäftigen“, sagt die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen. Zum Internationalen Tag der Migrantinnen und Migranten am 18. Dezember schließt sich die FRA der Aufforderung der Kommission an, Lösungen zu finden, die sowohl human als auch nachhaltig sind.
FRA will take part in a seminar that will assess tools for monitoring, analysing and tackling anti-Muslim hatred online.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the human rights challenges, but also the opportunities, that come along with the development of artificial intelligence technology.
The handbook on European data protection law is designed to familiarise legal practitioners not specialised in data protection with this emerging area of the law.
FRA will take part in a conference organised by the University of Grenoble to mark the 10th year anniversary of the Charter.
The agency’s Executive and Management Board will convene on 12 and 13 December.
During the second meeting of the European Commission’s antisemitism working group, Member States exchanged best practices and shared experiences of their efforts to prevent, address and respond to antisemitism through education.
During the second meeting of the European Commission’s antisemitism working group, Member States exchanged best practices and shared experiences of their efforts to prevent, address and respond to antisemitism through education.
FRA joined the European Parliament Working Group on Antisemitism, the European Jewish Congress and B'nai B'rith International for a mobilising event on 10 December in Brussels.
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As part of its work on civic space challenges, FRA consults annually over 700 civil society organisations, through its Fundamental Rights Platform, about their experiences.
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The International Organisation for Migration, the UN Refugee Agency and FRA presented their views on the proposed recast Return Directive to the new Rapporteur and Shadow Rapporteurs in the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).
FRA presented its paper on facial recognition technology to the Council Working Party on information exchange and data protection (DAPIX) on 5 December in Brussels.
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FRA presented findings from its report on the integration of young refugees during a conference in Brussels on 2 and 3 December.
The German Federal Police held their autumn conference in Wiesbaden from 27 to 28 November.
Summaries of the findings from the biggest survey of discrimination and hate crime against Jews ever conducted worldwide are now available in Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Greek, Hebrew, Latvian, Maltese, Slovak, Slovenian and Portuguese.
The guide of preventing unlawful profiling today and in the future explains what profiling is, the legal frameworks that regulate it, and why conducting profiling lawfully is both necessary to comply with fundamental rights and crucial for effective policing and border management.
Michael O’Flaherty
The FRA Director, Michael O’Flaherty, gave a plenary speech at the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the EU (COSAC) in Helsinki on 2 December, marking 10 years of the EU's Fundamental Rights Charter.
Laut einem neuen Bericht der Agentur für Grundrechte (FRA) verletzen in Haftanstalten Überbelegung, mangelhafte Hygiene und unzureichender Aufenthalt außerhalb der Zellen die Rechte von Häftlinge und gefährden ihre Rehabilitation. Der Bericht und eine dazugehörige Datenbank unterstützen Gerichte, Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte in grenzübergreifenden Fällen zu beurteilen, ob mangelhafte Haftbedingungen vorliegen.
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For the first time, a mayor of FRA's host city, Vienna, visited FRA.