Aktuelle Nachricht

How do EU countries apply the EU Temporary Protection Directive?

People on either side of the Ukrainian flag
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FRA compiled an overview of key aspects of national laws implementing the EU Temporary Protection Directive in nine EU Member States.

It covers those Member States where most people escaping the war in Ukraine have fled to, including the four EU Member States bordering Ukraine - Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. 

It outlines who is eligible for protection under the Directive, whether governments register the people, and provide information and specific support for unaccompanied children. It also indicates access to core rights under the EU Temporary Protection Directive like employment, education, healthcare and housing. 

It also lists the relevant national laws that cover the Directive's implementation.

FRA will regularly update the information. It accompanies FRA’s bulletins on 'The War in Ukraine – Fundamental Rights Implications within the EU'.