Aktuelle Nachricht

The implications of the Fundamental Rights Charter for the EU legislator

On 11 September, the Secretariat of the Council of the EU hosted a training session on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights for Justice and Home Affairs Councillors.

The Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, in cooperation with the European Commission and FRA, organised the event. It built on earlier training events co-organised by EU Presidencies and FRA.

Representatives of the Council Legal Service, the European Commission, FRA and academia discussed the Charter’s relevance and impact. There was reference to the practical relevance of FRA tools such as Charterpedia.

To promote knowledge about the Charter also at national level, FRA developed a trainer’s manual. Various language versions of this product are available with more due.

Introductory video presentations on the Charter’s history and legal nature, and its structure and content complement the agency’s many existing tools on the Charter.