
Coping with a fundamental rights emergency - The situation of persons crossing the Greek land border in an irregular manner

EU Member State border authorities are facing difficulties at points of entry into the EU due to a rising influx of irregular migrants. The study is based on field research carried out by the FRA in January 2011 and describes the fundamental rights situation of persons irregularly entering the EU's external border between Greece and Turkey.

Everyone is automatically detained, including children, pregnant women and babies. Conditions in the detention centres of the Evros region can only be described as inhumane. Although the situation is recognised as a fundamental rights emergency, no emergency measures have yet been implemented - despite the availability of EU funds.

This report identifies the factors contributing to the current situation where the coordination of local responses in the Evros region represents a key problem. Responsibilities for migration management are divided between four ministries and the allocation of responsibilities at local level is unclear. One way forward would be the development of a specific coordination mechanism at a local operational level, which has proven to work effectively in other EU Member States.

Read more in the press release.