
Fundamental rights in the future of the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs

In this paper, FRA looks at the overall institutional framework of the EU fundamental rights policy. Some of the proposals it contains include introducing an EU ‘fundamental rights policy cycle’ and a ‘European fundamental rights information system’. It also discusses the most pertinent fundamental rights elements in other policy areas of freedom, security and justice.

The European Commission launched two public consultations on the future of the Justice and Home Affairs within the European Union (EU). One is entitled Debate on the future of Home Affairs policies: An open and safe Europe – what next? and organised by the Directorate General Home Affairs. The other one is built around the conference Shaping Justice policies in Europe for the years to come organised by the Directorate General Justice on 21 and 22 November 2013. The results of the two consultations feed into the discussion on the future development of the justice and home affairs area. In order to provide advice in this context, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) submitted a contribution that addresses both the areas of justice and of home affairs. This submission signals that fundamental rights are cross-cutting concerns and underlines that EU institutions have an obligation to take them into account in the development of all legislation and policies.