Articolul 24 - Drepturile copilului
(1) Copiii au dreptul la protecția și îngrijirile necesare pentru asigurarea bunăstării lor. Ei își pot exprima în mod liber opinia. Aceasta se ia în considerare în problemele care îi privesc, în funcție de vârsta și gradul lor de maturitate. (2) În toate acțiunile referitoare la copii, indiferent dacă sunt realizate de autorități publice sau de instituții private, interesul superior al copilului trebuie să fie considerat primordial. (3) Orice copil are dreptul de a întreține cu regularitate relații personale și contacte directe cu ambii părinți, cu excepția cazului în care acestea sunt contrare interesului său.
Acest articol se întemeiază pe Convenţia de la New York privind drepturile copilului, semnată la 20 noiembrie 1989 şi ratificată de toate statele membre şi, în special, pe articolele 3, 9, 12 şi 13 din aceasta.
Alineatul (3) ia în considerare faptul că, în cadrul instituirii unui spaţiu de libertate, securitate şi justiţie, legislaţia Uniunii în materie civilă cu incidenţă transfrontalieră, pentru care competenţele sunt conferite de articolul 81 din Tratatul privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene, poate cuprinde, în special, drepturile de vizitare care îi permit copilului să întreţină periodic relaţii personale şi contacte directe cu ambii părinţi.
§ 26.Igaühel on õigus perekonna- ja eraelu puutumatusele. Riigiasutused, kohalikud omavalitsused ja nende ametiisikud ei tohi kellegi perekonna- ega eraellu sekkuda muidu, kui seaduses sätestatud juhtudel ja korras tervise, kõlbluse, avaliku korra või teiste inimeste õiguste ja vabaduste kaitseks, kuriteo tõkestamiseks või kurjategija tabamiseks. § 27.Perekond rahva püsimise ja kasvamise ning ühiskonna alusena on riigi kaitse all.Abikaasad on võrdõiguslikud.Vanematel on õigus ja kohustus kasvatada oma lapsi ja hoolitseda nende eest. Seadus sätestab vanemate ja laste kaitse. Perekond on kohustatud hoolitsema oma abivajavate liikmete eest.
§ 2. Seaduse eesmärk Käesolev seadus kehtestatakse last väärtustava ning lapse arengut soodustava käitumise ja elulaadi kujundamiseks ühiskonnas, last toetava keskkonna loomiseks, lapse huvide esikohale seadmiseks, lapse elukvaliteedi parendamiseks, lapse igakülgse arengu toetamiseks ning tervist ja heaolu ohustavates tingimustes olevale lapsele õigeaegse ja asjakohase abi ja hoolduse tagamiseks kooskõlas Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni lapse õiguste konventsiooni ja selle lisaprotokollidega (edaspidi konventsioon) ning Euroopa Liidu põhiõiguste harta ja teiste asjakohaste õigusaktidega. § 3. Seaduse kohaldamisala (1) Käesolevas seaduses sätestatut kohaldatakse riigi ja kohaliku omavalitsuse üksuste ametiasutustele ning nende ametiisikutele, avalik-õiguslikele ja eraõiguslikele juriidilistele isikutele ning füüsilistele isikutele, kes oma tegevuses puutuvad kokku laste ja lastekaitsega. (2) Käesolev seadus peab lapseks iga alla 18-aastast isikut. Kui isiku vanus ei ole teada ja on põhjust arvata, et ta on alla 18-aastane, käsitatakse isikut lapsena, kuni ei ole tõendatud vastupidist.
Article 63 The state shall protect maternity, children and youth, and shall create social, cultural, educational, material and other conditions promoting the achievement of the right to a dignified life.
Article 64 Parents shall bear responsibility for the upbringing, welfare and education of their children,and they shall have the right and freedom to make independent decisions concerning the upbringing of their children. Parents shall be responsible for ensuring the right of their children to the full and harmonious development of their personalities. Physically and mentally disabled and socially neglected children shall be entitled to special care, education and welfare. Children shall be obliged to take care of their elderly and infirm parents. The state shall devote special care to orphans and minors neglected by their parents.
Article 65 Everyone shall have the duty to protect children and infirm persons. Children shall not be employed before reaching the age specified by law, nor shall they be forced or allowed to do any work that is harmful to their health or morality. Young people, mothers and disabled persons shall be entitled to special protection at work.
Članak 63. Država štiti materinstvo, djecu i mladež te stvara socijalne, kulturne, odgojne, materijalne i druge uvjete kojima se promiče ostvarivanje prava na dostojan život.
Članak 64. Roditelji su dužni odgajati, uzdržavati i školovati djecu te imaju pravo i slobodu da samostalno odlučuju o odgoju djece. Roditelji su odgovorni osigurati pravo djetetu na potpun i skladan razvoj njegove osobnosti. Tjelesno i duševno oštećeno i socijalno zapušteno dijete ima pravo na osobitu njegu, obrazovanje i skrb. Djeca su dužna brinuti se za stare i nemoćne roditelje. Država osobitu skrb posvećuje maloljetnicima bez roditelja i onima za koje se ne brinu roditelji.
Članak 65. Dužnost je svih da štite djecu i nemoćne osobe. Djeca ne mogu biti primljena na rad prije zakonom određene dobi niti smiju biti prisiljavana na rad koji štetno utječe na njihovo zdravlje ili ćudoređe, niti im se takav rad smije dopustiti. Mladež, majke i osobe s invaliditetom imaju pravo na osobitu zaštitu na radu.
Art. 14. The family, motherhood and children shall enjoy the protection of the State and society. Art. 47. (1) The raising and upbringing of children until they come of legal age shall be a right and obligation of their parents and shall be assisted by the State.(2) Mothers shall be the object of special protection on the part of the State and shall be guaranteed prenatal and postnatal leave, free obstetric care, alleviated working conditions and other social assistance.(3) Children born out of wedlock shall enjoy equal rights with those born in wedlock.(4) Abandoned children shall enjoy the protection of the State and society.(5) The conditions and procedure for the restriction or suspension of parental rights shall be established by law.
Чл. 14.Семейството, майчинството и децата са под закрила на държавата и обществото. Чл. 47. (1) Отглеждането и възпитанието на децата до пълнолетието им е право и задължение на техните родители и се подпомага от държавата.(2) Жената майка се ползва от особената закрила на държавата, която й осигурява платен отпуск преди и след раждане, безплатна акушерска помощ, облекчаване на труда и други социални помощи.(3) Децата, родени извън брака, имат равни права с родените в брака.(4) Децата, останали без грижата на близките си, се намират под особената закрила на държавата и обществото.(5) Условията и редът за ограничаване или отнемане на родителските права се определят със закон.
Article 22Ieder heeft recht op eerbiediging van zijn privé-leven en zijn gezinsleven, behoudens in de gevallen en onder de voorwaarden door de wet bepaald.De wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel waarborgen de bescherming van dat recht. Article 22bisElk kind heeft recht op eerbiediging van zijn morele, lichamelijke, geestelijke en seksuele integriteit.Elk kind heeft het recht zijn mening te uiten in alle aangelegenheden die het aangaan; met die mening wordt rekening gehouden in overeenstemming met zijn leeftijd en zijn onderscheidingsvermogen. Elk kind heeft recht op maatregelen en diensten die zijn ontwikkeling bevorderen. Het belang van het kind is de eerste overweging bij elke beslissing die het kind aangaat. De wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel waarborgen deze rechten van het kind.
Artikel 22Chacun a droit au respect de sa vie privée et familiale, sauf dans les cas et conditions fixés par la loi.La loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent la protection de ce droit. Article 22bisChaque enfant a droit au respect de son intégrité morale, physique, psychique et sexuelle.Chaque enfant a le droit de s'exprimer sur toute question qui le concerne; son opinion est prise en considération, eu égard à son âge et à son discernement. Chaque enfant a le droit de bénéficier des mesures et services qui concourent à son développement.Dans toute décision qui le concerne, l'intérêt de l'enfant est pris en considération de manière primordiale. La loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent ces droits de l'enfant.
Article 22Everyone has the right to the respect of his private and family life, except in the cases and conditions determined by law. The laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee the protection of this right. Article 22bisEach child is entitled to have his or her moral, physical, mental and sexual integrity respected.Each child has the right to express his or her views in all matters affecting him or her, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with his or her age and maturity.Each child has the right to benefit from measures and facilities which promote his or her development.In all decisions concerning children, the interest of the child is a primary consideration. The law, federate law or rule referred to in Article 134 ensures these rights of the child.
Artikel 14 (5a) […] Im partnerschaftlichen Zusammenwirken von Schülern, Eltern und Lehrern ist Kindern und Jugendlichen die bestmögliche geistige, seelische und körperliche Entwicklung zu ermöglichen, damit sie zu gesunden, selbstbewussten, glücklichen, leistungsorientierten, pflichttreuen, musischen und kreativen Menschen werden, die befähigt sind, an den sozialen, religiösen und moralischen Werten orientiert Verantwortung für sich selbst, Mitmenschen, Umwelt und nachfolgende Generationen zu übernehmen. Jeder Jugendliche soll seiner Entwicklung und seinem Bildungsweg entsprechend zu selbständigem Urteil und sozialem Verständnis geführt werden, dem politischen, religiösen und weltanschaulichen Denken anderer aufgeschlossen sein sowie befähigt werden, am Kultur- und Wirtschaftsleben Österreichs, Europas und der Welt teilzunehmen und in Freiheits- und Friedensliebe an den gemeinsamen Aufgaben der Menschheit mitzuwirken.
Artikel 1 Jedes Kind hat Anspruch auf den Schutz und die Fürsorge, die für sein Wohlergehen notwendig sind, auf bestmögliche Entwicklung und Entfaltung sowie auf die Wahrung seiner Interessen auch unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Generationengerechtigkeit. Bei allen Kinder betreffenden Maßnahmen öffentlicher und privater Einrichtungen muss das Wohl des Kindes eine vorrangige Erwägung sein. Artikel 2 (1) Jedes Kind hat Anspruch auf regelmäßige persönliche Beziehungen und direkte Kontakte zu beiden Elternteilen, es sei denn, dies steht seinem Wohl entgegen. Artikel 4 Jedes Kind hat das Recht auf angemessene Beteiligung und Berücksichtigung seiner Meinung in allen das Kind betreffenden Angelegenheiten, in einer seinem Alter und seiner Entwicklung entsprechenden Weise.
Article 14 (5a) […] In a partnership - like cooperation between pupils, parents and teachers, children and juveniles are to be allowed the optimal intellectual, mental and physical development to let them become healthy, self-confident, happy, performance-oriented, dutiful, talented and creative humans capable to take over responsibility for themselves, fellow human beings, environment and following generations, oriented in social, religious and moral values. Any juvenile shall in accordance with his development and educational course be led to independent judgement and social understanding, be open to political, religious and ideological thinking of others and become capable to participate in the cultural and economic life of Austria, Europe and the world and participate in the common tasks of mankind, in love for freedom and peace.
Article 1 Each child shall be entitled to the protection and care that is necessary for his/her well-being, to optimal development and self-realisation as well as to the protection of his/her interests with regards to intergenerational equity. The wellbeing of the child shall be the primary consideration in respect of all measures affecting children that are taken by public and private institutions. Article 2 (1) Each child shall be entitled to have personal relations and direct contacts with both parents on a regular basis unless this is detrimental to the well-being of the child. Article 4 Each child has the right to adequate involvement and consideration of his/her opinion regarding all matters affecting the child in a manner that is commensurate with his/her age and development.