Past events

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762 Events found

Once again, FRA is cooperating with this year’s 'this human world', Vienna’s international human rights film festival. FRA supports the screening of three films on human rights.

FRA will attend the final conference of the CLEAR-RIGHTS project in Brussels from 1 to 2 December.
On 24 November, FRA will give a lecture to a delegation of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna.
On 21 November, FRA will hold a virtual lecture for students of the European University of Cyprus.
FRA will speak on a panel on improving victim support and data collection via multisectoral cooperation.
On 17 November, FRA and the Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (CIVEX) will hold its annual dialogue in the European Committee of the Regions.
The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will hold a workshop in Vienna on 15 November.
FRA will take part in a UN Women expert group meeting to develop definitions for measuring online and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls.
FRA’s Director will visit the Council of Europe from 15 to 16 November in Strasbourg.
The annual meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform will take place online on 10 November.