
Fundamental rights of older people: ensuring access to public services in digital societies

Europe’s ageing population is ever-increasing, and our societies are becoming more digitalised. Many public services are now available online, with many more services in the process of being digitalised. But the digitalisation of public services poses a risk of exclusion for older persons. In this new report, FRA explores the impact of digitalisation on the fundamental rights of older persons. The report maps the current legislation, policies and practices fostering digital inclusion. It provides an overview of the laws at the national level that provide for equal access to public services, both online and offline. The findings show how Member States safeguard older person’s rights to access services undergoing digitalisation. It outlines how Member States can support digital skills and ensure older people can fully participate in public life.

About this publication

© European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2023

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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Neither the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights nor any person acting on behalf of the Agency is responsible for the use that might be made of the following information.

The reference period was until May 2023. Any legislative developments since then and up until the date of publication of these pages have been included whenever relevant or if known.

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023


  • ISBN: 978-92-9489-279-9
  • doi: 10.2811/205995
  • TK-05-24-037-EN-Q


  • ISBN: 978-92-9489-202-7
  • doi: 10.2811/061088
  • TK-09-23-257-EN-N

Photo credits (cover):

  • Cover: © Rawpixel.com/Adobe Stock

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