Past events

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FRA’s Director will visit Ireland from 3-5 November.
FRA invites civil society organisations, registered in its Fundamental Rights Platform, to take part in an online Roma meeting on 10 November.
On 28 October, the FRA Director will participate in a virtual Slovenian Presidency conference on 'Stamping out hate crime and hate speech – Effective responses to hate crimes and hate speech online, and protection of victims'.
FRA will join an event in Sweden that will look at the impact of the pandemic on equality and human rights, and ways forward.
On 27 October, FRA will speak about inclusive education and its challenges during an online webinar organised by the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS).
FRA will join the eu-LISA agency’s annual conference on 27 October. It will take stock of current developments in the Justice and Home Affairs area.
FRA will present its new report on ‘Human Rights Cities in the EU: a framework for reinforcing rights locally’ at a conference on building equal cities.
FRA will present on 23 October the key findings of its Fundamental Rights Report 2021 during a workshop of the advanced training course on building diverse and inclusive workplaces in Europe.
The Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights meeting will take place on 20 October.
FRA will present key findings from its report on encouraging hate crime reporting during an online hate crime conference.