Slovakia / Regional Court Košice / 5Saz/7/2017

K.Q.F. v Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior
Policy area
Justice, freedom and security
Deciding body type
National Court/Tribunal
Deciding body
Regional Court Košice
Decision date
ECLI (European case law identifier)
  • Slovakia / Regional Court Košice / 5Saz/7/2017

    Key facts of the case:

    The application for international protection by the plaintiff was declared inadmissible by the Defendant as it was established that the country responsible for the Plaintiff’s asylum application was Bulgaria. The plaintiff, represented by Human Rights League, sought the cancellation of the decision of the Defendant number: CAS-MU-DS-17/2017-Ž denying the application for international protection lodged by the plaintiff as inadmissible, in its submission dated 04.05.2017. The plaintiff’s legal representative also sought the suspension of the execution of the challenged decision until the adjudication of the decision on the merits of the case had been adopted by the Court, and such decision had entered into force. 

    Outcome of the case: 

    The Court has granted the suspensive effect of the administrative complaint lodged by the plaintiff’s legal representative. The Dublin transfer of the plaintiff to Bulgaria was put on hold.  

  • Paragraphs referring to EU Charter

    According to the Article 185 of the Administrative Procedural Act, the Court may, following the motion of the Applicant and after the statement of the Defendant had been sought, grant

    a/  suspensive effect to the administrative complaint if:

    a) by the immediate execution or any other legal consequences of the disputed decision of the administrative body or administrative measure, a serious harm, significant economic or financial damage, serious harm on environment, or other serious irrevocable consequence was caused, and granting of a suspensive effect is not contrary to the public interest.

  • Paragraphs referring to EU Charter (original language)

    5. Podla par, 185 Správneho súdneho poriadku, Správny súd môže na návrh žalobcu a po vyjadrení žalovaného uznesením priznať správnej žalobe odkladný účinok:

    a/ ak by okamžitým výkonom alebo inými právnými následkami napadnutého rozhodnutia ogárnu verejnej správy alebo opatrenia verejnej správy hrozila vážna újma, značná hospodárska, či finančná škoda, závažná újma na životnom prostredí, prípadne iný vážny nenapraviteľný následok a príznanie odkladného účinku nie je v rozpore s verejným záujmom.