
On 29 March, FRA will take part in an online working meeting on age equality.
On 29 March, the European Law Institute (ELI) will run a webinar on access to justice, effective remedies, and business and human rights.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty, delivers a keynote speech during the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on 28 March in Vienna. The meeting focuses on International cooperation to address violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
What is the future for business and human rights?
FRA hosted a visit from the Turkish Bar Association on 24 March.
Overwhelming support for the many people fleeing Ukraine. Volunteers, organisations and EU countries provide support and help at the EU borders.
FRA looked at the challenging situation and identified fundamental rights risks, such as discrimination.
Erhöhte Gefahr des Menschenhandels, Diskriminierung und Rassismus sowie übermäßige Abhängigkeit von Freiwilligen. Dies sind einige der wichtigsten Grundrechtsfragen, die die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) an den Grenzkontrollstellen der EU mit der Ukraine festgestellt hat. Die FRA stieß auf eine überwältigende Unterstützung für alle, die vor dem Konflikt fliehen, betont jedoch, dass alle Akteure wachsam bleiben und aufkommende Probleme angehen müssen, damit die Rechte der Menschen gewahrt werden.
FRA will speak on a panel during the final conference of the Enhancing Stakeholder Awareness and Resources for Hate Crime Victim Support (EStAR) project.
On 22 March, FRA will give an overview of the EU's goals and measures in the fight against racism and discrimination. It will also present the Agency’s work.
FRA will take part in the European Anti-Racism Summit on 21 March.
FRA was part of the European Economic and Social Committee’s annual civil society days.
FRA facilitated a parallel session during an online conference on the digital dimension of violence against women.
FRA took part in Eurofound’s virtual consultation on the next European Working Conditions Survey (2024 edition).
Die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) war beeindruckt von der Solidarität, die trotz der Herausforderungen an den EU-Grenzen zur Ukraine gezeigt wird. Außerdem ermittelte die Agentur potenzielle Grundrechtsprobleme, die möglicherweise angegangen werden müssen. Dies sind nur einige der ersten Beobachtungen, die die FRA bei ihren Besuchen in allen an die Ukraine grenzenden EU-Ländern gemacht hat. Nächste Woche soll ein kurzer Bericht veröffentlicht werden.
FRA Director will speak to the European Parliament about migration and migrant rights on 16 March.
FRA’s Executive Board will meet on 11 March via videoconference.
Aktuelle Nachricht
FRA participated in the first 2022 meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies’ Network.
On 10 March, FRA, in cooperation with the National Roma Contact Points will present preliminary results from its FRA’s Roma survey 2020.