
The European Commission invited FRA to provide fundamental rights input to the 26th meeting of the European Migration Network (EMN) Return Expert Group.
Michael O'Flaherty
FRA’s Director addressed a conference on 18 June 2020 on Fighting discrimination on grounds of religion and ethnicity: vulnerabilities of Muslim communities and the effects of COVID-19 crisis. the vulnerabilities of Muslim communities in the EU. The conference was a joint initiative by the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the European network of Equality bodies, Equinet. Tommaso Chiamparino, European Commission Coordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred chaired the event.
Nach Schätzungen der Internationalen Organisation für Migration starben 2019 durchschnittlich fünf Menschen pro Tag bei dem Versuch, über das Mittelmeer nach Europa zu gelangen. Im Vorfeld des Weltflüchtlingstages wies die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) auf die anhaltenden Schwierigkeiten hin, die bei den Rettungsbemühungen der Zivilgesellschaft im Mittelmeerraum auftreten und die sich durch die COVID19-Pandemie noch weiter verstärkt haben.
Während die Regierungen über den Einsatz von Technologien diskutieren, mit denen die Verbreitung von COVID-19 gestoppt werden kann, sind viele Europäerinnen und Europäer nicht bereit, ihre personenbezogenen Daten an öffentliche und private Stellen weiterzugeben. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine Umfrage zu Grundrechten, die die EU-Grundrechteagentur FRA vor der Pandemie durchgeführt hat.
In his latest vlog Michael O'Flaherty introduces FRA's survey of 35,000 people on attitudes to human and fundamental rights.
On 18 June, FRA will host a coordination meeting of working groups under the EU’s High Level Group on combatting racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
On 18 June, the agency’s National Liaison Officers (NLOs) will meet via video conference for the first time.
FRA’s Director will speak during a conference on 18 June on the vulnerabilities of Muslim communities in the EU.
FRA will join the third meeting of the European Commission’s working group on the implementation of the Council declaration on the fight against antisemitism.
FRA is introducing a series of changes to deepen its cooperation with civil society organisations through its Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP).
On 11 June, FRA contributed to a Red Cross Europe webinar on assisting migrants at borders.
FRA presented practical steps on how to effectively protect children at borders during a Save the Children webinar on 9 June.
On 4 and 8 June, FRA presented the findings of its good practices report on relocating unaccompanied children to Greek and Maltese authorities.
On 9 June, FRA’s Management Board elected a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson as the mandates of existing members draw to a close.
Wachsende Intoleranz und Angriffe auf die Grundrechte der Menschen höhlen weiterhin die beachtlichen Fortschritte aus, die im Laufe der Jahre erzielt wurden. Dies stellt die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) in ihrem Grundrechtebericht 2020 fest. Während sich Europa langsam aus der COVID-19-Pandemie zu erheben beginnt, erkennen wir, dass sich bestehende Ungleichheiten und die Gefahren für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt noch verschärft haben.
Aktuelle Nachricht
Today, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) signed an agreement on developing Frontex's fundamental rights monitors. Under this agreement, FRA will provide advice and expertise to help set up effective fundamental rights monitoring during Frontex's operations at EU borders.
FRA’s Executive Board and Management Board will convene on 8 and 9 June via video conference.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the European Judicial Training Network’s study visit of EU member states’ judges and prosecutors to FRA took place online, as a webinar.