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Tätigkeit im Bereich der Rechte
Justiz, Opferrechte und justizielle Zusammenarbeit
Rechte der Opfer
Rechte der Angeklagten
Justizielle Zusammenarbeit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit
Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte
Gleichheit, Nichtdiskriminierung und Rassismus
Kinder, Jugendliche und ältere Menschen
Menschen mit Behinderungen
Ethnische Herkunft
Religion und Weltanschauung
Geschlecht, sexuelle Ausrichtung und Geschlechtsidentität
Asyl, Migration und Grenzen
Zugang zu Asyl
Grenzen und Informationssysteme
Schutz von Kindern
Irreguläre Migration, Rückkehr und Ingewahrsamnahme
Legale Migration und Integration
Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung von Arbeitskräften
Datenschutz, Privatsphäre und neue Technologien
Künstliche Intelligenz und Big Data
Grenzen und Informationssysteme
Rechtswidrige Profilerstellung
Unterstützung von Menschenrechtssystemen und -verteidigern
Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union
Zwischenstaatliche Menschenrechtssysteme
Nationale Menschenrechtssysteme und -einrichtungen
Die Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union
Was sind Grundrechte?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Titel I: Würde des Menschen
1 - Würde des Menschen
2 - Recht auf Leben
3 - Recht auf Unversehrtheit
4 - Verbot der Folter und unmenschlicher oder erniedrigender Strafe oder Behandlung
5 - Verbot der Sklaverei und der Zwangsarbeit
Titel II: Freiheiten
6 - Recht auf Freiheit und Sicherheit
7 - Achtung des Privat
8 - Schutz personenbezogener Daten
9 - Recht, eine Ehe einzugehen und eine Familie zu gründen
10 - Gedanken-, Gewissens
11 - Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung und Informationsfreiheit
12 - Versammlungs
13 - Freiheit der Kunst und der Wissenschaft
14 - Recht auf Bildung
15 - Berufsfreiheit und Recht zu arbeiten
16 - Unternehmerische Freiheit
17 - Eigentumsrecht
18 - Asylrecht
19 - Schutz bei Abschiebung, Ausweisung und Auslieferung
Titel III: Gleichheit
20 - Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz
21 - Nichtdiskriminierung
22 - Vielfalt der Kulturen, Religionen und Sprachen
23 - Gleichheit von Frauen und Männern
24 - Rechte des Kindes
25 - Rechte älterer Menschen
26 - Integration von Menschen mit Behinderung
Titel IV: Solidarität
27 - Recht auf Unterrichtung und Anhörung der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer im Unternehmen
28 - Recht auf Kollektivverhandlungen und Kollektivmaßnahmen
29 - Recht auf Zugang zu einem Arbeitsvermittlungsdienst
30 - Schutz bei ungerechtfertigter Entlassung
31 - Gerechte und angemessene Arbeitsbedingungen
32 - Verbot der Kinderarbeit und Schutz der Jugendlichen am Arbeitsplatz
33 - Familien
34 - Soziale Sicherheit und soziale Unterstützung
35 - Gesundheitsschutz
36 - Zugang zu Dienstleistungen von allgemeinem wirtschaftlichen Interesse
37 - Umweltschutz
38 - Verbraucherschutz
Titel V: Bürgerrechte
39 - Aktives und passives Wahlrecht bei den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament
40 - Aktives und passives Wahlrecht bei den Kommunalwahlen
41 - Recht auf eine gute Verwaltung
42 - Recht auf Zugang zu Dokumenten
43 - Der Europäische Bürgerbeauftragte
44 - Petitionsrecht
45 - Freizügigkeit und Aufenthaltsfreiheit
46 - Diplomatischer und konsularischer Schutz
Titel VI: Justizielle Rechte
47 - Recht auf einen wirksamen Rechtsbehelf und ein unparteiisches Gericht
48 - Unschuldsvermutung und Verteidigungsrechte
49 - Grundsätze der Gesetzmäßigkeit und der Verhältnismäßigkeit im Zusammenhang mit Straftaten und Strafen
50 - Recht, wegen derselben Straftat nicht zweimal strafrechtlich verfolgt oder bestraft zu werden
Titel VII: Allgemeine Bestimmungen
51 - Anwendungsbereich
52 - Tragweite und Auslegung der Rechte und Grundsätze
53 - Schutzniveau
54 - Verbot des Missbrauchs der Rechte
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
About FRA
Wer wir sind
Structure of FRA
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Scientific Committee members
Management team
Was wir tun
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FRA for children
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Where do my rights come from?
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Working at FRA
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EU-Organe und andere Einrichtungen
European Parliament
Council of the European Union
European Commission
EU agencies
Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network
European Committee of the Regions
European Economic and Social Committee
European Ombudsman
EU CRPD Framework
Review process
Mitgliedstaaten der EU
National Liaison Officers
National Parliaments
Zivilgesellschaft und Plattform für Grundrechte
Civic space
Platform library
How to register
Nationale Menschenrechtsinstitutionen, Gleichstellungsstellen und Ombudseinrichtungen
UN, OSZE und andere internationale Organisationen
EEA and Norway Grants
Zurückliegende Veranstaltungen
FRA products 2024/5
FRA products 2023
FRA products 2022
FRA products 2021
FRA Products 2020
FRA Products 2019
Press packs
EU LGBTIQ survey - Press pack
Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism
EU LGBT Press pack
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children
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Tätigkeit im Bereich der Rechte
Tätigkeit im Bereich der Rechte
Justiz, Opferrechte und justizielle Zusammenarbeit
Rechte der Opfer
Rechte der Angeklagten
Justizielle Zusammenarbeit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit
Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte
Gleichheit, Nichtdiskriminierung und Rassismus
Kinder, Jugendliche und ältere Menschen
Menschen mit Behinderungen
Ethnische Herkunft
Religion und Weltanschauung
Geschlecht, sexuelle Ausrichtung und Geschlechtsidentität
Asyl, Migration und Grenzen
Zugang zu Asyl
Grenzen und Informationssysteme
Schutz von Kindern
Irreguläre Migration, Rückkehr und Ingewahrsamnahme
Legale Migration und Integration
Menschenhandel und Ausbeutung von Arbeitskräften
Datenschutz, Privatsphäre und neue Technologien
Künstliche Intelligenz und Big Data
Grenzen und Informationssysteme
Rechtswidrige Profilerstellung
Unterstützung von Menschenrechtssystemen und -verteidigern
Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union
Zwischenstaatliche Menschenrechtssysteme
Nationale Menschenrechtssysteme und -einrichtungen
Die Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union
Die Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union
Was sind Grundrechte?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Titel I: Würde des Menschen
1 -
Würde des Menschen
2 -
Recht auf Leben
3 -
Recht auf Unversehrtheit
4 -
Verbot der Folter und unmenschlicher oder erniedrigender Strafe oder Behandlung
5 -
Verbot der Sklaverei und der Zwangsarbeit
Titel II: Freiheiten
6 -
Recht auf Freiheit und Sicherheit
7 -
Achtung des Privat
8 -
Schutz personenbezogener Daten
9 -
Recht, eine Ehe einzugehen und eine Familie zu gründen
10 -
Gedanken-, Gewissens
11 -
Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung und Informationsfreiheit
12 -
13 -
Freiheit der Kunst und der Wissenschaft
14 -
Recht auf Bildung
15 -
Berufsfreiheit und Recht zu arbeiten
16 -
Unternehmerische Freiheit
17 -
18 -
19 -
Schutz bei Abschiebung, Ausweisung und Auslieferung
Titel III: Gleichheit
20 -
Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz
21 -
22 -
Vielfalt der Kulturen, Religionen und Sprachen
23 -
Gleichheit von Frauen und Männern
24 -
Rechte des Kindes
25 -
Rechte älterer Menschen
26 -
Integration von Menschen mit Behinderung
Titel IV: Solidarität
27 -
Recht auf Unterrichtung und Anhörung der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer im Unternehmen
28 -
Recht auf Kollektivverhandlungen und Kollektivmaßnahmen
29 -
Recht auf Zugang zu einem Arbeitsvermittlungsdienst
30 -
Schutz bei ungerechtfertigter Entlassung
31 -
Gerechte und angemessene Arbeitsbedingungen
32 -
Verbot der Kinderarbeit und Schutz der Jugendlichen am Arbeitsplatz
33 -
34 -
Soziale Sicherheit und soziale Unterstützung
35 -
36 -
Zugang zu Dienstleistungen von allgemeinem wirtschaftlichen Interesse
37 -
38 -
Titel V: Bürgerrechte
39 -
Aktives und passives Wahlrecht bei den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament
40 -
Aktives und passives Wahlrecht bei den Kommunalwahlen
41 -
Recht auf eine gute Verwaltung
42 -
Recht auf Zugang zu Dokumenten
43 -
Der Europäische Bürgerbeauftragte
44 -
45 -
Freizügigkeit und Aufenthaltsfreiheit
46 -
Diplomatischer und konsularischer Schutz
Titel VI: Justizielle Rechte
47 -
Recht auf einen wirksamen Rechtsbehelf und ein unparteiisches Gericht
48 -
Unschuldsvermutung und Verteidigungsrechte
49 -
Grundsätze der Gesetzmäßigkeit und der Verhältnismäßigkeit im Zusammenhang mit Straftaten und Strafen
50 -
Recht, wegen derselben Straftat nicht zweimal strafrechtlich verfolgt oder bestraft zu werden
Titel VII: Allgemeine Bestimmungen
51 -
52 -
Tragweite und Auslegung der Rechte und Grundsätze
53 -
54 -
Verbot des Missbrauchs der Rechte
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Press Release
07 April 2010
International Roma Day 2010: Roma Involvement in Policy Design and Implementation Crucial
International Roma Day 2010: Roma Involvement in Policy Design and Implementation Crucial Roma and Traveller involvement in the design, implementation and evaluation of strategies targeting them is essential to improving the situation of the estimated 10 million Roma in the European Union.
Press Release
07 April 2010
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights statement on the occasion of the International Roma Day 2010
Roma reported the highest overall levels of discrimination across all areas surveyed in the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights' EU-MIDIS survey.
Press Release
19 March 2010
FRA: Racial Discrimination continues in the European Union
Racism and xenophobia continue to affect the day to day lives of a significant number of people within the European Union warned the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights today in a joint statement with the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
Press Release
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
19 March 2010
Joint statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Racism and xenophobia continue to affect the day to day lives of a significant number of people within the European Union warned the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights today in a joint statement with the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
Press Release
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
08 March 2010
Statement by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights on International Women’s Day
International Women's Day on the 8 March was an opportunity for men and women alike to remember that gender equality is a right shared by everyone in the European Union. The theme of this year's International Women's Day - ‘Equal rights, equal opportunities: progress for all' - underlined the fact that ‘progress for all' can only be achieved alongside fundamental rights for all.
Press Release
19 February 2010
Stakeholder Meeting on “Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Sport and Positive Initiatives to Combat It”
On the 18 and 19 February, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) hosted a meeting to discuss its upcoming report on racism and ethnicdiscrimination in sport. The meeting brought together representatives from international sporting organisations such as UEFA, the European Basketball Federation (FIBA), the European Athletics Association and the European Olympic Committee, members of national sporting organisations and delegates from the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. The participants discussed the report's draft recommendations and suggested ways in which the recommendations should be prioritised and implemented.
Press Release
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
19 February 2010
Stakeholder Meeting on “Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Sport and Positive Initiatives to Combat It”
On the 18 and 19 February, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) hosted a meeting to discuss its upcoming report on racism and ethnic discrimination in sport. The meeting brought together representatives from international sporting organisations such as UEFA, the European Basketball Federation (FIBA), the European Athletics Association and the European Olympic Committee, members of national sporting organisations and delegates from the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. The participants discussed the report's draft recommendations and suggested ways in which the recommendations should be prioritised and implemented.
Press Release
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
26 January 2010
FRA: Holocaust Lessons Still Relevant in the 21st Century
At a Ministerial Conference in Auschwitz on the 2010 International Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Holocaust, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) will release the findings of the first ever EU-wide study on the role of historical sites and museums in teaching about the Holocaust and human rights. The report reveals that at historical sites and in schools across the EU, teaching about the Holocaust rarely includes discussion of related human rights issues. Teachers and guides are regarded as key to ensuring interest in the subject, yet there is a lack of human rights training on behalf of both groups. Based on the findings of its study, the FRA encourages national governments to better integrate human rights education into their school curricula to reflect the significance of human rights for both the history and the future of the EU.
Press Release
15 January 2010
Handbook on European Non-discrimination Case-law to be published by the Court and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
The European Court of Human Rights and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights will join forces to work on a year-long joint project aimed at increasing the knowledge and domestic implementation of EU law and other legal instruments in the field of non-discrimination.
Press Release
18 December 2009
New Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Executive Board members for the Fundamental Rights Agency
The Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) held elections at their 8th Meeting that took place in Vienna on 14 and 15 December 2009. The Management Board elected Ilze Brands Kehris (Latvia) as its new Chairperson and re-elected Hannes Tretter (Austria) as Vice-Chairperson. Ilze Brands Kehris: "The decade that started with 9/11 and is now ending with the effects of the economic crisis shows that there is no room for complacency with regard to the respect for human rights within the EU. The FRA's capacity to provide EU institutions and Member States with expertise on fundamental rights, based on analysis of data collected in all 27 Member States, can and should make an important contribution to the formulation of more effective evidence-based policies respectful of fundamental rights within the FRA competences. It is a great privilege to be elected chairperson of the Management Board of the FRA and in this capacity to participate with the excellent FRA team in the further development of the FRA's work, including cooperation with the Council of Europe, IGOs, civil society and other stakeholders."Hannes Tretter: "I am honoured to be re-elected as member of a very strong and competent team. We are facing now - beside various threats like increasing racism or misuse of personal data and lacks of access to justice - a challenging period since the Treaty of Lisbon opens the door for FRA to deal in future also with the sensitive issues of the former third pillar."
Press Release
09 December 2009
First ever EU-wide survey of minorities: Mapping Discrimination across Europe
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) releases on 9 December the results of its survey of over 23,000 individuals from ethnic minority and immigrant groups about their experiences of discrimination, racist crime, and policing in the EU. The results reveal shocking evidence about the discrimination faced by minorities in everyday life; in the classroom, when looking for work, at the doctor's, or in shops. On the eve of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, the FRA calls for targeted policies to combat the marginalisation of these groups.
Press Release
13 November 2009
Rights of the Child: from Paper into Practice
Co-chaired by Jacques Barrot and Luc Van Den Brande, Rights of the Child will be the focus of a joint Committee of the Regions (CoR) and European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) conference in Brussels on 13 November. The conference takes place as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrates its 20th Anniversary and the Lisbon Treaty begins its journey to make children's rights legally binding in the EU, as enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The important question to be addressed is how such texts make a difference on the ground.
Press Release
09 November 2009
Joint Conference concerning Roma Migration and Freedom of Movement
The serious human rights challenges faced by Roma when migrating or exercising their right to freedom of movement, as well as the security implications, will be the focus of a joint international conference in Vienna on 9-10 November 2009, organised by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (CommHR), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM).
Aktuelle Nachricht
09 November 2009
FRA report launched on Roma migration and freedom of movement
9 November 2009, FRA releases a new report on "The situation of Roma EU citizens moving to and settling in other EU Member States". This report provides evidence that Roma are strongly discriminated against and experience social exclusion when exercising their EU citizens' right of freedom of movement. The FRA report highlights shortcomings but also points out good practices across the EU. It gives concrete recommendations on how the situation could be improved.The Agency will present its Report and some positive initiatives at a Joint International Conference of the FRA, Council of Europe and the OSCE on Roma migration and freedom of movement, which takes place in Vienna on 09-10 November.
Press Release
20 October 2009
FRA: Roma and Travellers face social exclusion and discrimination in housing
A new report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) gives evidence that Roma and Travellers are strongly disadvantaged in private and social housing throughout the European Union. This includes discrimination in access to housing, poor housing conditions, segregation, and forced evictions. The FRA report highlights shortcomings and good practices across the EU. The FRA is of the opinion that Member States should pay higher attention to the issue of residential segregation and poor housing conditions. Member States and local authorities should implement existing anti-discrimination legislation and policies for Roma inclusion, and intensify their efforts to better inform the Roma of their rights, and involve them in the planning and implementation of housing policies.
Press Release
08 April 2009
Leading European rights agencies concerned by continuing discrimination of and violence against Roma - International Roma Day (8 April)
In a joint statement issued ahead of tomorrow's International Roma Day (8 April), four leading European human rights bodies today expressed deep concern about the continuing discriminatory treatment and exclusion of the Roma.
Press Release
Children, youth and older people
25 March 2009
Making Child Rights a Reality: FRA Indicators represent first step towards targeted policies
The European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) will today present a new report on ‘Developing indicators for the protection, respect and promotion of the rights of the child in the European Union'. This proposes a comprehensive series of indicators to measure child rights across the EU.
Press Release
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
02 March 2009
Recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the EU
EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) releases new data on anti-Semitic incidents in the EUThe EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) releases today its new report “Anti-Semitism. Summary overview of the situation in the European Union 2001-2008”.
Press Release
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
16 May 2008
Promoting equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the European Union
"The combat against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a priority issue to ensure equal rights to all people in the EU", said Constantinos Manolopoulos, FRA's Acting Director, ahead of International Day against Homophobia on 17 May 2008. "This day is an occasion to recall the discrimination and prejudices that many LGBT people still face in some EU Member States. We must address this social ill head on."
Press Release
07 April 2008
European Union needs common action to make equality a reality for the Roma
Statement by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the occasion of International Roma Day.
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