
On 22 and 23 March, FRA’s National Liaison Officers (NLOs) will come together via video conference to discuss FRA’s cooperation with EU Member States.
FRA will give a presentation at the online conference ‘Three Decades of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics in Europe: Methods, Trends and the Impact on Policy Making’.
Last week, FRA's Director visited Ljubljana from 15 to 18 March to discuss assistance during the upcoming EU Presidency of Slovenia.
The pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for governments, health systems and societies at large, with many people in despair. We also witnessed solidarity with generosity, care and commitment towards the most vulnerable. This crisis offers us a unique opportunity to create more inclusive and equal societies, said the heads of four human rights institutions ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
FRA’s Director Michael O’Flaherty will introduce the opening high-level panel at the first European Summit against Racism, as foreseen in the EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025.
The Consultative Forum of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) issued its fundamental rights considerations to the Frontex Management Board Working Group on Fundamental Rights and Legal Operational Aspects of Operations in the Aegean Sea.
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The Preventing unlawful profiling today and in the future guide is now also available in Dutch and Greek. It explains what profiling is, the legal frameworks that regulate it, and why conducting profiling lawfully is both necessary to comply with fundamental rights and crucial for effective policing and border management.
On 12 March, FRA participated in an online roundtable organised by regional authorities in Catalonia responsible for the protection of unaccompanied children. Several NGOs, medical associations, trade unions and child protection authorities of different cities participated.
FRA spoke about findings from its research on community living for people with disabilities during a public hearing on the deinstitutionalisation of people with disabilities. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe held the hearing on 16 March as it prepares a new report on the issue. FRA mentioned steps that Member States could take to enable people with disabilities to live independently in the community with choices equal to others.
FRA will join panel discussions on 18 March on racism and racial discrimination in the EU. The discussions form part of the European Economic and Social Committee’s virtual public hearing on the EU anti-racism action plan 2020-2025.
FRA will present findings from its recent artificial intelligence and fundamental rights report during a two-day training webinar.
FRA will present results from its EU LGBTI survey on workplace discrimination during an international conference on creating a safe and friendly environment for LGBTIQ+ employees and employment seekers.
On 17 March, FRA will present selected findings from its surveys during the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) General Assembly and Annual Conference.
FRA will join an ad hoc meeting on 17 March on the digitalisation of justice. It will be the first of a series of thematic ad hoc meetings under the umbrella of the Victims’ Rights Platform in 2021 - one of the flagship initiatives of the EU’s Victims’ Rights Strategy.
On 17 March, FRA will meet the European Commission’s and Council of Europe’s child rights coordinators. This partnership meeting aims at supporting the continuous cooperation and coordination of child rights work between the three organisations.
This video statement by FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty was recorded for the online event '2021 Mayors Summit Against Anti-Semitism' which took place on 16 March 2021. The event was hosted by the city of Frankfurt am Main in partnership with the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM).
Every year across Europe, millions of Europeans are victims of consumer fraud. They are cheated or misled about their purchases, or they experience payment card fraud. People with disabilities are more likely to fall victim to fraud than other groups. These are some of the findings of the Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) recent survey into people’s experiences of crime. On the World Consumer Rights Day, FRA calls on EU countries to step up their efforts to protect consumers.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will be one of the inaugural speakers at an event to discuss challenges and the future for civil society organisations during and after COVID-19.
On 10 March, the European Migration network launched its report on the state of implementation in 2019 of the EU’s Communication on protecting migrant children.
The FRA Director will exchange views with EU Ministers of Justice during their informal videoconference on 11 March.