
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo (CEDU) e il diritto dell’Unione europea (UE)
    forniscono un quadro di riferimento sempre più importante per la protezione dei diritti degli
    stranieri. La legislazione dell’UE in materia di asilo, frontiere e immigrazione è in rapido sviluppo.
    Esiste un cospicuo corpus di giurisprudenza formato dalla Corte europea dei diritti
    dell’uomo (Corte EDU) riguardante, in particolare, gli articoli 3, 5, 8 e 13 CEDU. La Corte di
    giustizia dell’Unione europea (CGUE) è chiamata con sempre maggiore frequenza a pronunciarsi
    sull’interpretazione delle disposizioni legislative dell’UE in quest’ambito. La presente
    terza edizione del manuale, aggiornata a luglio 2020, presenta in modo accessibile la legislazione
    dell’UE e la giurisprudenza delle due corti europee, è rivolto a professionisti legali,
    giudici, pubblici ministeri, funzionari dell’immigrazione e organizzazioni non governative
    negli Stati membri dell’Unione europea e del Consiglio d’Europa.
  • Opinion / Position Paper
    This FRA Position Paper outlines the Agency’s position on the creation of 'return hubs' in non-EU countries for migrants who have been ordered to leave the EU. Considering the serious fundamental rights risks connected with running return hubs, this legal analysis presents the conditions that would have to be met for return hubs to respect fundamental rights and comply with EU law. These include setting up agreements with the host countries and creating independent human rights monitoring mechanisms. The position paper does not examine centres in third countries that process asylum applications.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Fundamental rights violations on the EU’s land and sea borders often go unreported. Investigations into these violations need to be more effective. This report gathers examples of alleged rights violations of migrants and refugees between 2020 and 2023. It sets out 10 steps to promote prompt and effective national investigations into incidents of ill-treatment at borders.
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    Based on its findings and research FRA provides practical guidance to support the implementation of fundamental rights in the EU Member States. This series contains practical guidance on: Initial-reception facilities at external borders; Apprehension of migrants in an irregular situation; Guidance on how to reduce the risk of refoulement in external border management when working in or together with third countries; Fundamental rights implications of the obligation to provide fingerprints for Eurodac; Twelve operational fundamental rights considerations for law enforcement when processing Passenger Name Record (PNR) data and Border controls and fundamental rights at external land borders.
    Integration and social inclusion are important aspects of EU migration and asylum policy. The fundamental rights of long-term residents in the EU are explored through this report, focussing on the Long-Term Residence Directive. EU long-term resident status includes rights to move and reside in other EU Member States. This report examines the reasons behind the low uptake of EU long-term resident permits, despite them typically giving more rights than national long-term resident permits.
    Report / Paper / Summary
    Following yet another recent tragic shipwreck and loss of life in the Mediterranean, this short report sets out examples of actions the EU could take to meet its obligations to protect the right to life and prevent more deaths at sea. As part of the work that the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) does on upholding fundamental rights in asylum and return procedures, this report calls for better protection for shipwreck survivors, and prompt and independent investigations. It sets out measures that EU Member States should take to improve search and rescue efforts and provide legal pathways to safety to prevent deaths at sea.
    In responding to Russia’s war against Ukraine, the EU activated its Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) for people who fled the country, allowing them to settle in the EU and to access basic public services and the labour market. By spring 2023, more than 4.5 million people had made use of the TPD or similar national protection schemes in the EU. In 2022, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights conducted an online survey among people displaced from Ukraine. Eurofound has analysed the survey results on their experiences when seeking to access employment. This paper highlights the main barriers that displaced people encountered and suggests ways to facilitate their inclusion.
    Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine has resulted in massive internal and external population displacement. The European Union (EU) rapidly activated its Temporary Protection Directive for the first time since it was adopted in 2001. This entitled nearly 4 million people to legal residence and access to work, housing and legal assistance, education and healthcare.
    FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2023 reviews major developments in the field in 2022, identifying both achievements and areas of concern. It also presents FRA’s opinions on these developments, including a synopsis of the evidence supporting these opinions.
    Il 2022 è stato caratterizzato sia da progressi sia da battute d’arresto in termini di tutela dei diritti fondamentali. Il Fundamental Rights Report 2023 (Relazione sui diritti fondamentali per il 2023) dell’Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA) fa il punto della situazione sui principali sviluppi in materia, individuando i risultati ottenuti e i settori che destano ancora preoccupazione.
    Over the span of nearly eight years, there have been developments in showing respect for the human rights of those who arrive at the EU’s borders. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has shown how a large and sudden influx of people can be managed effectively and respectfully. Notwithstanding the improvements, the growing number of people crossing or attempting to enter the EU pose a wide range of fundamental rights challenges.

    In this bulletin, FRA takes stock of concerns and improvements regarding the fundamental rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. It highlights the EU Member States’ legal and practical responses. It identifies key trends, promising practices, long-standing and emerging patterns, and persistent concerns.
    This manual is designed to help institutions, organisations and individuals to train guardians of unaccompanied children or to deliver ‘train-the-trainers’ courses. It can be used in a range of training contexts, such as professional and academic training, on-the-job training and continuing training. The manual is based on human and fundamental rights principles and ethical standards and recognises that the child and the guardian have their own personal stories, resources and capacities. It enhances guardians’ confidence to promote the child’s rights and best interests. It also enhances their confidence to act independently and impartially in relation to different state
    officials, service providers and other community members.
    L’aggressione militare della Russia contro l’Ucraina ha scatenato scenari che l’Europa non viveva da decenni. Da allora ha causato morte, distruzioni massicce e indicibili sofferenze. Ha inoltre innescato spostamenti di massa di persone che non si vedevano dalla seconda guerra mondiale. Per tutelare i profughi, l’UE ha attivato per la prima volta la direttiva sulla protezione temporanea. In tal modo, tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE devono offrire protezione agli sfollati in fuga dall’Ucraina.
    Many cities throughout the European Union hosted people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The EU currently faces the largest displacement of people in Europe since World War II. Since February 2022, over seven million people came to the EU. The arrival of such large numbers of people thrust cities and local governments to the forefront of the EU and its Member States’ relief work. This short publication provides a snapshot of cities’ initiatives to address this humanitarian crisis.
    L’Agenzia dell’Unione europea per l’asilo (EUAA) e l’Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA) hanno unito le loro forze nello sviluppo di una serie di strumenti pratici per i tutori di minori non accompagnati con esigenze di protezione internazionale. L’obiettivo è sostenere i tutori nei loro compiti e responsabilità quotidiani durante la procedura di asilo, compresa la procedura Dublino e la protezione temporanea.
    Europe stands at a delicate moment in its history. It is a moment of existential significance for the wellbeing and sustainability of our societies. It is emerging from the pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease, only to face a set of major overlapping challenges. These pose profound questions about the political, economic and societal future of the continent. To discuss elements of a human rights vision for the future and to identify opportunities for action, FRA brought together a group of sixty human rights leaders and experts with diverse backgrounds
    from across the continent. This report distils the meeting discussions, including analysis and ideas, and concludes with proposals for action. It does not represent the views either of individual participants or of FRA.
    The table below gives an overview of certain key aspects in national legislation implementing the EU Temporary Protection Directive.
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine triggered solidarity from EU governments, local authorities and society as they welcomed more than 7 million people fleeing the aggression. The European Union’s rapid response, activating the EU Temporary Protection Directive, offered welcome relief and much-needed support to those in need. It allowed displaced persons the opportunity to quickly settle and to work, travel and access services across the EU. But other pressing human rights issues have come to the fore and remain high on the EU’s agenda, such as human trafficking, sexual and gender-based violence, hate crime and hate-fuelled disinformation.
    Il monitoraggio dei diritti fondamentali alle frontiere esterne dell’UE dovrebbe essere effettuato sistematicamente e regolarmente per una serie di attività di gestione delle frontiere, tra cui la sorveglianza delle frontiere, i fermi alle frontiere terrestri, marittime e aeree e la gestione dei meccanismi di indirizzamento, anche in caso di arrivi di massa. I presenti orientamenti generali forniscono assistenza agli Stati membri dell’Unione europea (UE) ai fini dell’istituzione di meccanismi nazionali indipendenti tesi a monitorare il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali alle frontiere esterne dell’UE, in linea con la proposta di regolamento sugli accertamenti presentata dalla Commissione europea il 23 settembre 2020. L’Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali ha elaborato i presenti orientamenti su richiesta della Commissione.
    Europe stands at a delicate moment in its history, facing a convergence of major tests. Each of them taken on their own is significant. Together, they pose profound questions about the political, economic, and societal future of the continent. This is a moment for strong commitment to put human rights at the heart of our vision for Europe’s future. It is also time to demonstrate our determination to work together to this end. Against this backdrop, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) brought together around sixty human rights leaders and experts from across the continent to discuss elements of a human rights vision for the future and to identify opportunities for action. A full conference report will be available soon, including the specific ideas and proposals which arose from the meeting. Meanwhile, this is a summary of the conclusions.
    Since 2014, FRA has been publishing an annual update of the forced return monitoring systems EU Member States have set up under Article 8 (6) of the EU’s Return Directive (2008/115/EC). This overview describes different indicators for an effective forced return monitoring system. It includes the organisation responsible for monitoring forced return, the number of operations monitored in 2021, the phases of monitored return operations, the number of staff trained and working as monitors, and whether the monitoring body issued public reports about their monitoring.
    On 23 August, FRA will begin collecting the views and experiences of people fleeing the war in Ukraine.
    As the Russian war of agresssion continues in Ukraine, EU countries are welcoming and supporting unprecedented numbers of people fleeing the war to seek safety in the EU. This has serious implications for many fundamental rights within the EU. FRA is looking at current and potential fundamental rights challenges. It seeks to assist the EU and its Member States find sustainable solutions. Below you can find some of the work being carried out.
    The information provided gives an overview of selected aspects in national legislation implementing the EU Temporary Protection Directive.