Urban initiatives, the EU and fundamental rights: connecting the dots

Organised By
European Commission
External event
FRA will speak at a webinar on how are urban initiatives and actions supporting green, just and productive cities in the EU?

The webinar on 4 October will take stock of the achievements and challenges of the Urban Agenda of the EU. 

It will draw on lessons learned from selected partnerships. It will also explore new EU opportunities in the perspective of designing a renewed Urban Agenda.

FRA will highlight the importance of developing rights-based urban policies and will illustrate how this can be reflected in the context of urban initiatives for Roma inclusion.

FRA will also give a preview of the new Framework for human rights cities that will be released on 11 October at its Fundamental Rights Forum(link is external). This new framework will comprise of foundations, structures and tools aims to help cities, local administrations and other grassroots organisations to sustainably integrate a rights-based approach to their work.

This webinar is the third and final European Commission webinar covering the three dimensions of the sustainable urban development established by the New Liepzig Charter namely: the productive, green and just city.