Compendium of practices on hate crime

This compendium collates practices for combating hate crime from across the EU. The practices have been compiled by the Working Party on Improving Reporting and Recording of Hate Crime in the EU. In the list below step-by-step descriptions of the practices are broken down by country and category. The aim of the compendium is to help policymakers and practitioners such as law enforcement officers understand what is being done elsewhere in the EU to combat hate crime, and which elements could be adapted for use in their own national contexts.  Read more >>

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48 Promising Practices found

  • Prüf- und Dokumentationspflicht von vorurteilsbasierten Tatmotiven bei Gewalttaten
    Improve recording and data collection
    Flagging potential hate crimes, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building, Use of bias-indicators
    In cases of violent crime, German police officers are duty-bound to investigate whether or not there is evidence of a bias motive having prompted an offence.
  • Osservatorio per la Sicurezza Contro gli Atti Discriminatori OSCAD
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Cross institutional cooperation, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The Observatory for Security against Acts of Discrimination is a multi-agency body that was set up by the Italian National Police and the carabinieri. It is housed in the Department of Public Security at the Ministry of the Interior. It takes a holistic approach to tackling hate crime.
  • Продължаващи обучения за полицейски служители по темата за престъпленията от омраза
    Improve recording and data collection
    Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    A series of training sessions are put in place that are targeted at police officers and their capacity to record, detect and investigate hate crimes; these sessions cover different topics, including minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex; and antisemitism.
  • Refonte enquête de victimation “Cadre de vie et sécurité” (CVS)
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Monitoring progress and impact
    Survey that provides indicators on both attacks of a racist, xenophobic and antisemitic nature and attacks of a sexist nature or against lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people.
  • Πολιτική για την Πρόληψη, Αντιμετώπιση και Καταπολέμηση τoυ Ρατσισμού, της Ξενοφοβίας και των Διακρίσεων
    Improve recording and data collection
    Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The policy framework was designed and implemented to provide guidance to police officers on the application of the required actions for preventing and combating hate crime during the investigation of such crimes.
  • “ÓDIO NUNCA MAIS” – formação e sensibilização no combate aos crimes de ódio e discurso de ódio
    Encourage reporting
    Cross institutional cooperation, Outreach to communities at risk of hate crime victimisation, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The project ‘HATE NO MORE’ was aimed at raising awareness of hate crimes and hate speech through the creation of multidisciplinary training for professionals that includes victims’ perspectives. The project also aimed to raise awareness of hate crime among the general public and potential victims and encourage hate crime reporting.
  • Protocolo entre o Centro de Estudos Judiciários e a Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género para promover a formação em áreas relacionadas com crimes de ódio e preparação de um guia de boas práticas sobre crimes de ódio
    Encourage reporting
    Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Monitoring progress and impact, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The cooperation between the two entities aims to establish training modules and specialised courses, and prepare guides on best practices in the areas of violence against women and domestic violence, human trafficking and hate crimes.
  • Δίκτυο Καταγραφής Περιστατικών Ρατσιστικής Βίας
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Flagging potential hate crimes
    A network of 51 non-governmental organisations and civil society actors has been established and is coordinated by the Greek National Commission for Human Rights and the Greek Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The network records incidents of racist violence and develops activities to combat racist violence and intolerance in Greece.
  • Poliisin tietoon tullut viharikollisuus Suomessa
    Improve recording and data collection
    Flagging potential hate crimes, Monitoring progress and impact, Use of bias-indicators
    Researchers at the Police University College investigate reports from Finland’s national police database annually to identify suspected hate crimes.
  • Swevic – Tillsammans mot hatbrott
    Encourage reporting
    Cross institutional cooperation, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building, Specialist victim support services
    This joint project between the police and Victim Support Sweden addresses under-reporting of hate crime. It aims to increase awareness about what a hate crime is; encourage hate crime reporting and improve awareness of available support services; and build trust in the judicial system and confidence in civil society organisations among groups that are exposed to hate crime.