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3559 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
MB Decision 2014_05 (Budget and WP 2015) / 10908 / Agency
( 27/06/2014 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
MB Decision 2014_04 (BT 2014_01) / 10907 / Agency
( 27/06/2014 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
MB Decision 2014_03 (2014_02 amending budget) / 10906 / Agency
( 27/06/2014 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
MB Decision 2014_02 (Annual Activity Report) / 10905 / Agency
( 27/06/2014 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
MB Decision 2014_01 (Establishment Plan Budget 2015) / 10904 / Agency
( 27/06/2014 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
MB Decision 2014_06 (MSPP 2015-2017) / 10909 / Agency
( 27/06/2014 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
Guardianship for children deprived of parental care: a handbook / 10885 / Agency
( 26/06/2014 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration - 2014 edition / 10882 / Agency
( 26/06/2014 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Press release - Help end child trafficking through better guardianship / 10874 / Agency
( 26/06/2014 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Press release - Updated guide to European law on asylum, borders and immigration / 10850 / Agency
( 20/06/2014 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Annual activity report 2013 / 10799 / Agency
( 13/06/2014 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies / Administrative documents / Annual activity reports
Statement of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2014 – Amending budget Nr 2 / 10798 / Agency
( 12/06/2014 )
Administrative documents / Budget and financial documents
List of contracts awarded in 2013 / 10797 / Agency
( 12/06/2014 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-14-T07 Annex A -Tender Specifications / 10771 / Agency
( 11/06/2014 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-14-T07 Annex B - Draft Direct Services Contract / 10773 / Agency
( 11/06/2014 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement