Annual EU CharterXChange
The CharterXchange is a forum for legal practitioners and stakeholders to explore current and potential applications of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and its role in driving positive changes for people’s rights. It will convene annually in December.
The 3rd EU CharterXChange will take place in December 2025
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Charterpedia: the Agency’s encyclopedia on the EU Charter
Charterpedia offers the main entry point to the Agency’s work on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and a wide range of information (including national and European case law) on each and every Charter provision.
Case studies: a place for legal practitioners and law students
This course can be used as a support for a face-to-face course or as a standalone course. It aims to help legal practitioners, law students and legal experts assess how the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is applied in a range of policy areas. Eight concrete cases as decided by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) are presented together with questions about the applicability of the Charter in each one.
E-guidance: step-by-step guidance and concrete examples
These courses provides guidance on the field of application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The guidance allows a judge or legal practitioner to check a specific case by answering a series of questions to determine the applicability of the Charter. Concrete examples demonstrate the field of application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the sense of its Article 51(1).
Case law database
The database is a compilation of case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) with direct references to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as a selection of national case law with direct references to the Charter from all EU Member States.
Annual Fundamental Rights Report: assessing the Charter’s 'national life'
Every year the Agency’s Fundamental Rights Report contains a chapter specifically dedicated to the use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union at national level. Here you find how the Charter was applied in a given reporting period: 2023, 2022 ; 2021 ; 2020 ; 2019 ; 2018 ; 2017 ; 2016 ; 2015 ; 2014 ; 2013 ; 2012
2021 trainers’ manual: how to provide Charter training to legal practitioner
This trainers' manual provides practical advice on the design and methodology that can be used in Charter training. It works with 8 Charter case studies including background information for trainers and handouts for participants.)
2020 Anniversary paper: 'Ten years on: unlocking the Charter’s full potential'
This focus paper takes a closer look at the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the years 2009-2019. It is available in English; French; German; Polish; Portuguese; Slovenian.
2019 Paper: the views of civil society and national human rights institutions
This paper published at the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union examines how the Charter is used by Civil society organisations (CSOs) and national human rights institutions (NHRIs).
2018 Charter Handbook: guidance on why and when to apply the Charter
The handbook provides guidance on the applicability of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It is available in 22 languages.
2018 Legal opinion: the implementation of the Charter, including by EU agencies
With this legal opinion requested by the European Parliament the Agency has contributed to the Parliament's own-initiative report on the “Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the EU institutional framework”. It focuses on EU agencies.
FRA / ECtHR European case law handbooks: twinning Strasbourg and Luxembourg
The Agency produces thematic handbooks in close cooperation with European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and with documentary support of the Court of Justice of the European Union. These handbooks provide information and analysis on case law related to both the ECHR as well as the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Outcome document of the 10th anniversary event organised by the European Commission, EU Presidency and FRA in 2019
The conference co-organised by the Agency, the European Commission and the Finnish Presidency of the EU Council took place on 12 November 2019.
The EU CharterXchange is a forum for legal practitioners and stakeholders to explore current and potential applications of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and its role in driving positive changes for people’s rights. It will convene annually in December.
1st annual EU CharterXchange took place on 11 - 13 December 2023
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and its added value in a nutshell
video of masterclass held on 1st EU CharterXChange 2023
Case studies: e-course
Case studies: trainers’ area
Training material on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The trainers’ area takes you to a course aimed at legal experts who wish to host workshops on the application of the Charter. This section contains a comprehensive trainers’ manual with practical advice on the design and methodology that can be used in training, additional training material, and more.
Case studies: trainers’ manual
This trainer’s manual aims at providing guidance on both the organisation and the implementation of such trainings based on a series of case studies, which will be extended in the future. It will be available in all EU languages soon.
Charter Country Sheets
What is the standing of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in your country? Member States have an explicit duty to promote the Charter’s application. The country sheets support that effort by giving – in English and the respective national language - on a few pages examples of the Charter’s use and added value.
Reinforcing the Charter - online event (2020): key statements of panellists
Video recording n taken from FRA/Euractiv online event 'Reinforcing the EU Charter: rights of people in the EU in the next decade' (7 December 2020). See also: Reinforcing the EU Charter event website.
Videos - Apply the Charter
5 minutes for the interested public ‘Apply the Charter, deliver our Rights’ was produced in 2019 and provides basic information on all six themes of the Charter.
90 seconds on various themes. The different parts of the video ‘Apply the Charter, deliver our Rights’ are also available in separate 90-second video-clips (on dignity, freedoms, equality, solidarity, citizens’ rights and justice).
The Charter's untapped potential, nationally - Infographic 2019
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is is the EU's bill of human rights. These rights and principles have to be respected and promoted by EU institutions and Member States whenever they act within EU law. Approaching the Charter’s 10th anniversary, Member States do not yet make full use of the potential it offers.