Promising Practice

Discrimination Monitoring 2020

In 2020, the Centre for Equal Treatment (CET), in cooperation with TNS Ilres, conducted a survey collecting data on the experiences of discrimination among a representative sample of the general population, to analyse and monitor discrimination based on several grounds. The sample has been adjusted according to the following variables: age, sex, nationality, work activity and region of residence.
Operational guidelines
Mainstream equality data
Ensure regular and timely data collection
Ensure representativeness
Improve comparability
Gender identity or expression
Racial or ethnic origin
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination


In this page:

Why was the practice needed?

The CET was created by law on 28 November 2006 with the purpose of promoting, analysing and monitoring equal treatment between all persons without discrimination based on race or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, handicap, or age. Considering that the General Data Protection Regulation does not allow the collection of sensitive data without safeguards, and the CET´s annual report only provides information on cases that have been actively reported to the CET, this survey aims to provide a wider range of information regarding discrimination in the country.

In addition, the representative survey collects information about the reasons for non-reporting (by victims and witnesses) of cases of discrimination and the possible consequences. The survey also collects information on people to whom victims turn, in case they would like to report their experiences.

Finally, the barometer is needed to compare data over a long period. It includes a variety of grounds of discrimination that seem to be important to respondents and about which the CET has no mandate.

How was it implemented?

A basic questionnaire was developed for the first edition of the survey, which was slightly adapted for the subsequent editions (e.g. transition from only telephone-based interviews to online and computer-assisted telephone interviews). The questionnaire was also updated with new issues and actors for each new edition, with the help of TNS Ilres, which did the field research. Owing to the language situation in Luxembourg, the questionnaire exists in four languages: Luxembourgish, French and German as official languages, and Portuguese because of the sizeable Portuguese community living here.

When the fieldwork had been done, TNS Ilres prepared an initial comparative analysis highlighting the main findings and the differences from the previous years, which were then discussed with the CET. Based on those discussions, further analysis of the data was carried out. Finally, the results were presented to the press and published as a full report and an executive summary.


  • Website of the practice
  • Flyer presenting the results (in French and German)
  • Press conference
  • Content for social media and workshops

Key success factors

  • Allows comparison over a long period
  • Gives an overall view of the phenomena, not only of people willing to report discrimination
  • Shows that other grounds of discrimination (beyond those under the equal treatment law) seem to matter to victims and witnesses
  • Provides a good basis for discussing further challenges

Technical information

  • Data sources covered: Household or individual surveys; Victimisation surveys; Attitudinal surveys; Complaints data; Diversity monitoring
  • Areas of life covered: Employment; Education; Health; Social Protection; Housing and living conditions; Access to goods and services; Hate crime
  • Target audience: General population
  • Duration: Periodic survey: 2009, 2011, 2015, 2020
  • Geographical scope: National
  • Leading institution: Centre for Equal Treatment (CET)
  • Other organisations involved/consulted: TNS Ilres
  • Financial & human resources: Budget: About €50,000 for each edition; Source of the budget: Budget of the CET; Staff: Field research done by TNS Ilres, follow-up by the CET; Development: Planned to be repeated every 3–5 years
