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On 4 December, at the Annual Dialogue with the European Committee of the Regions in the Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs, FRA presented the findings from its report on the integration of young refugees.
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On 9 December, FRA held an inception meeting with the contractor developing a trainers manual on Guardianship. The manual shall provide trainers with the content and methodology they need to train appointed or future guardians on the fundamental rights of children and the role of the guardians.
On 8 December, FRA took part in the panel discussion on the use of AI in the field of criminal law. This was part of the online conference on digitalisation of justice – interconnection and innovation. The event was part of Germany's EU Council Presidency.
A workshop on 3 December looked at how to ensure the best interests of the child when monitoring forced returns that involve children. The International Centre for Migration Policy Development, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and FRA jointly organised the online workshop. It was attended by 50 people from 21 different Member States.
FRA’s Director joined the 7th Glion Human Rights Dialogue 2020 on 3 and 4 December. The high-level online event brought together over 100 human rights practitioners and experts.
Today, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) publishes a report on fundamental rights issues at external land borders. The report looks at the main challenges of border management and puts forward proposals for actions to improve the current situation. The European Parliament requested FRA to prepare this report in January 2020. With the Coronavirus pandemic, the report could only be issued now.
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During the eu-LISA annual conference, FRA spoke about the implications for fundamental rights of EU interoperability regulations.
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FRA discussed with the Eurodac Supervision Coordination Group future cooperation activities and how best to dissemination its guide for authorities on their duty to inform when taking fingerprints.
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The European Guardianship Network held an online meeting on 27 November to discuss child-related aspects in the EU Migration Pact. The Network, a European Commission initiative, is currently formed by representatives from 19 Member States, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, as well as representatives from UNHCR, EASO and FRA.
Die Pandemie dürfte viele Menschen, nicht zuletzt Menschen mit Behinderungen, nachhaltig prägen. Ganz sicher führt sie allerdings vor Augen, dass Europa die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen achten und sich auf die Europäische Strategie zugunsten von Menschen mit Behinderungen im nächsten Jahr vorbereiten muss.