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763 Events found

On 14 July, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will present the Fundamental Rights Report 2022 to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).
On 6 July, FRA will meet a group of 19 academic staff from the German Federal Constitutional Court.
FRA will join the opening ceremony of the summer school on the regulation of robotics and AI in Europe on 4 July.
FRA will join the annual general meeting of the European General Council of Refugees and Exiles. It will be part of a workshop on the role of EU agencies in supporting access to asylum.
On 27 June, FRA’s Director will join the 20 year anniversary celebrations of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) in Valetta.
On 21 June, the European Commission’s subgroup on the national implementation of the EU anti-racism action plan will meet online.
FRA will present fresh findings from its new report on safeguards for children in criminal proceedings during the international ‘Humanising justice for all children’ conference.
From 20 to 21 June, FRA will visit the EEA/Norway Grants co-funded housing project in Katerini.
FRA will exchange views with Human Dimension experts from the EU Delegation and EU Member States Permanent Representations to the OSCE.
On 14 and 15 June, FRA will take part in a meeting of the EU High Level Group on combatting hate speech and hate crime.