
A delegation of FRA’s Management team will meet the Council of Europe on 10 and 11 October in Strasbourg to discuss how to further strengthen cooperation.
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At the invitation of the European Commission, FRA contributed to NGO discussions on the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to migrants.
Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the EU invited FRA to speak on the economic and social inequalities among Roma and migrant women in the EU during its high-level gender equality conference.
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The EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies will end in 2020.
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On invitation of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU, FRA presented evidence on discrimination to the Social Questions Working Party of the Council in Brussels on 7 October.
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On 1 October in the Hague, FRA presented its work in the area of the European arrest warrant, mutual trust and criminal detention to European Judicial Network contact points.
On 3 October, FRA presented the guidelines on improving the collection and use of equality data at a national stakeholder conference organised in Dublin by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
FRA will join a conference on ‘Protecting Civic Space in the European Union’, which is being organised by the UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe (OHRHC).
FRA will join the 7th Europol-INTERPOL cybercrime conference on law enforcement in the connected future.
FRA will join a workshop on 10 October in Rome on the family as a hub for social policies.
FRA will join the third in a row of four child guarantee workshops organised by the European Commission.
FRA, in cooperation with the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet), will host a capacity-building workshop on unlawful profiling on 9 October in Nicosia.
The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU has invited FRA’s Director to address the EU Council’s Working Party on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Brussels on 9 October.
On 9 and 10 October, FRA will participate in the European Border and Coast Guard Agency’s international conference on biometrics for borders.
FRA will join a meeting of the Spanish international legal cooperation network from 7 to 8 October in Toledo.
The Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU has invited FRA’s Director to address EU Justice Ministers during the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg on 7 October.
FRA took part in a regional policy meeting of about 70 experts from EU Member States and international organisations on rights of victims of violent crime suffered in immigration and pre-trial detention.
On 26 September, FRA took part in a panel discussion on memory, stereotypes and preventing antisemitism following an invitation from the Office of the Antismitism Coordinator of North Rhine Westphalia.
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FRA contributed to the EUROCITIES Expert Working Group in Braga from 24 to 26 September on developing an effective integrated city plans for Roma inclusion.
FRA attended a conference of the EU-funded ‘Call it Hate: Raising Awareness of Anti-LGBT Hate Crime’ project.