
FRA will exchange views with Human Dimension experts from the EU Delegation and EU Member States Permanent Representations to the OSCE.
FRA attended an online management committee meeting of the EU Roma network.
Die FRA hat ihre aktualisierte Online-Datenbank zum Strafvollzug veröffentlicht. Zum ersten Mal werden dort die Haftbedingungen von Frauen und die Verpflegung in Haftanstalten erfasst. Die Datenbank beinhaltet die nationalen Standards und Rechtsvorschriften sowie Beobachtungsberichte zu Haftbedingungen aus der gesamten Europäischen Union und dem Vereinigten Königreich.
On 14 and 15 June, FRA will take part in a meeting of the EU High Level Group on combatting hate speech and hate crime.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director, Michael O'Flaherty delivers his speech during the 20th Anniversary of the Human Rights and Conflict Management Master Programme. The event took place in Pisa on 10 June 2022.
Aktuelle Nachricht
FRA’s Director attended the Frontex Management Board meeting in Paris on 7 June.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty delivers a speech at the Traveller Equality & Justice Project's 'Barriers to Justice for Irish Travellers' report launch event on 29 April in Cork.
Um den sozialen Auswirkungen von Covid-19 entgegenzuwirken, hat die EU mehr finanzielle Unterstützung geleistet als je zuvor. Viele Menschen in der EU, insbesondere schutzbedürftige Menschen, hatten in der Pandemie einen eingeschränkten Zugang zu Gesundheitsversorgung, Kinderbetreuung, Bildung und zum Internet. Dies hat zu Übersterblichkeit, Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit und sozialer Ausgrenzung geführt. Der FRA-Grundrechtebericht 2022 beschreibt die weitreichenden Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die sozialen Rechte. Zudem präsentiert er Vorschläge, wie die zunehmenden Ungleichheiten und Bedrohungen für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt angegangen werden können.
FRA presented observations from its first Ukraine Bulletin and missions to the EU’s external borders with Ukraine at the annual CEPS Conference.
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) organised a meeting to discuss the coordination and response to gender-based violence.
FRA moderated a session at a European Commission meeting on care and guardianship for unaccompanied children from Ukraine.
On 19 May, FRA co-hosted an online seminar on the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter for Committee of the Regions staff.
FRA took part in the Council of Europe-EU Joint Child Participation4Europe project conference.
On 3 May, FRA gave the European perspective during a panel discussion on the work of a human rights city during Lund’s sustainability week.
FRA is jointly organising a scientific conference with the German Federal Ministry of Justice.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will meet State Secretaries and staff of the German Justice and Interior Ministries on 31 May.
The Austrian Vida inclusion conference will take place on the 31 May in Vienna.
The EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and FRA held an expert panel to discuss fundamental rights issues when accessing asylum procedures at the EU external borders.
On 18 May, FRA presented the update of its criminal detention conditions database during a meeting of the Council Working Party on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal matters.
The European Guardianship Network held a meeting from 17 to 18 May to discuss the response to the Ukrainian crisis, training guardians, and the network’s standards and principles.