
FRA will participate in a CEPOL online seminar on addressing antisemitic hate crime. The aim of the webinar is to enable participants to describe the prevalence and forms of hate crime against Jews.
On 13 November, the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) hosted its first Fundamental Rights Dialogue - a virtual event that gave young people an opportunity to voice their fundamental rights concerns and discussed ways to solve them with FRA's Director Michael O'Flaherty.
Aktuelle Nachricht
FRA held an inception meeting on 11 November with its research network, FRANET, to discuss updating its report on Guardianship systems for children deprived of parental care in the EU.
FRA and the Council of Europe met on 10 November to discuss updating the Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child. The handbook covers relevant Council of Europe and European Union legal standards, as well as case law from the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights.
FRA and the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) today signed off on a cooperation plan for the coming years.
FRA’s report on ‘Strong and effective national human rights institutions’ will feature during a meeting of the European Parliament’s Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group.
FRA will conduct a training session on ensuring child-friendly proceedings for child victims of trafficking. It forms part of the CEPOL online course on child trafficking.
On 11 November, FRA will host a virtual seminar for legal staff of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. It aims at providing expertise and an opportunity to exchange experiences on the practical application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in Germany in selected areas.
FRA will take part in the annual EU-Israel high-level seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism.
FRA, in cooperation with the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) will run a capacity-building workshop on 10 November on unlawful profiling. The workshop seeks to invite national equality bodies to jointly reflect on their roles in stepping up efforts to better combat unlawful police profiling.
On 10 November, FRA will present the results of its EU LGBTI survey during the online workshop ‘LGBTI Discrimination: European and Local Perspectives and Actions’.
The third Euro-Mediterranean Communicators´ workshop will tackle the question what is next for the migration narrative in the Euro-Mediterranean region?
The FRA Director will participate in the Interparliamentary Committee Meeting organised by the European Parliament Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
Die Welle gewalttätiger antijüdischer Pogrome am 9. November 1938 – die so genannte „Kristallnacht“ – erinnert schmerzlich daran, weshalb Europa ein für allemal den anhaltenden Antisemitismus, der die Gesellschaft durchdringt, beseitigen muss. Antisemitismus ist der Grund, weshalb sich viele Juden fragen, ob sie in Europa eine Zukunft haben. Wenn Europa im Hinblick auf seine jüdische Gemeinschaft versagt, ist das moderne europäische Projekt gescheitert.
The FRA Director will take part in an informal exchange on 9 November on integration and social cohesion with EU interior ministers and members of the European Commission.
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) regularly consults regional offices responsible for promoting and protecting human rights on how to coordinate their work better.
The FRA Director will have an informal exchange of views on 9 November on integration and social cohesion with EU interior ministers and members of the European Commission.
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) regularly consults regional offices responsible for promoting and protecting human rights on how to coordinate their work better.
FRA will present findings from its recent report on ‘Strong and effective national human rights institutions’ during a leadership webinar on 9 November. This European Network of National Human Rights Institutions webinar will look at the role of and support for NHRIs in creating impacts from EU policies on rule of law, human rights and democracy.
People can now also order the 2018 edition of the handbook on European non-discrimination law in Bulgarian and Croatian.